The Idgyptian Empire

One of the oldest nations on Amospia, devout followers of Amun and builders of great monuments. Idgyptian history is ripe with golden and dark ages, but as of the current date, the nation has re-established a prominent position on the world's stage.


Idgypt is ruled by a god-king Pharaoh, and their word is law. The nation can also be classified as a Theocracy in some ways, as religion plays a very prominent role in everyday life and politics. Directly below the pharaoh is the vizier, primarily in charge of administrating the empire.

Public Agenda

Idgypt's foreign affairs are largely friendly. They are loyal allies and trade partners, though their staunch traditionalism may seem unusual to some.


Due to the long history of Idgypt, it is recommended to check out the History of Idgypt timeline here

Demography and Population

POPULATION: 42,260,000
  • Humans, Idgyptian: 14,791,000 (35%)
  • Humans, Mixed Hellenistic: 10,565,000 (25%)
  • Humans, Mixed Other: 6,339,000 (15%)
  • Serpentines: 2,113,000 (5%)
  • Lizardfolk: 1,690,400 (4%)
  • Other: 6,761,700 (16%)


The Idgyptian military is split into two main branches, the Grand Idgyptian Army and the Grand Idgyptian Navy. The army can be broadly divided into the main army, the city guard, and the road patrol, with the navy being divided into river and maritime branches.   A third branch, the Idgyptian Royal Guard, serves as both a special forces and as the protectors of important government officials/locations.

Technological Level

STAGNATION: The Idgyptian Empire is notoriously slow at adopting new technologies. While this is done to promote stability, it has begun to cause some tension within the government.   OLD HORSE, NEW TRICKS: The Idgyptians are excellent at developing new uses and tactics for ancient technology that others would see as outdated.


The official state religion is informally known as Kemetism, a polytheistic system of beliefs dating back thousands of years. This complex belief system is integrated into the government as well as the daily life of most Idgyptian citizens, with temples serving as both religious and administrative centers.   The Greek religion of Hellenism, spread by Elizabeth the Great and her successors, serves as a secondary state religion. Most popular along the southern coast, it is primarily practiced by Idgyptians of Hellenistic descent. Many fusions of Kemetic and Hellenistic gods also exist.   Besides the two state religions, other faiths are practiced on a smaller scale throughout the empire. A Jewish synagogue stands in Elizandria, and a Church of the Everburning Flame stands in New Memphis. In addition, various traditional beliefs are practiced by the numerous demihuman tribes within Idgypt, sometimes with aspects of Kemetism or Hellenism mixed in.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture, primarily grain, is the backbone of the Idgyptian economy, as the fertile lands of the Nile Valley are often considered the breadbasket of Weralt. Other agricultural products include fruits and vegetables, honey, wine, beer, etc.   Idgypt is also known for it's vast quantity of gold, with jewelry made of gold and precious stones being common among the elite and religious classes.

Trade & Transport

Within Idgypt's borders, the Nile River serves as a major highway for the movement of goods and peoples.   Foreign trade is primarily conducted through a vast maritime trade networks on the Medierra, Chaldarian, and Askun Seas, with expansion into the Amospian Sea.


  • Idgyptian Nome Borders
    A map of the borders of Idgypt's nomes (provinces). c. April 1504 CE.
Founding Date
3100 BCE
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Idgypt, Land of the Nile
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Drachme is the official currency of Idgypt, and is commonly converted into Gold Pieces when exiting the nation and its tributaries.
Major Exports
Grain is by-far the largest export of the empire, as the Nile Valley is one of the most fertile areas in the world. The export of grain and other foodstuffs serves as the backbone of the Idgyptian economy.   Idgypt also exports a large variety of luxury goods, many of which covered in gold and precious stones.
Major Imports
While many goods enter and leave the empire on a daily basis, two materials make up the bulk of Idgyptian imports.   STEEL: While steel has become the primary material for tools and weapons within the empire, very few coal and iron mines exist within it's borders. Almost all of Idgypt's steel is imported from the UKE.   LUMBER: Due to the largely dry, arid climate of the Sarahara, wood is a very uncommon resource within the empire. Large quantities of lumber are imported from the northern countries, with a large portion of it being used to support the Grand Idgyptian Navy.
Legislative Body
The Pharaoh
Judicial Body
The Pharaoh
Official State Religion
Organization Vehicles

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