Narman Saints

While it can be rarely passed on genetically, narmen saints are those who have earned the right to undergo the Rite of Ascension and receover a larger portion of their ancient glory.

Basic Information


Taller than humans, elves, or orcs, narmen saints stand at an average of 7 feet tall with a build similar to a muscular elf. Narmen saints have, almost white, pale skin with golden, brightly glowing runes across their skin. Narmen saints have regrown their hair and possess long, flowing, golden locks. The tusk, that was zcquired by the narmen as a side-effect of their arcane adaptation to the depth of the sea, is dramatically shorter on an narmen saints than on most, being only about a quater of the length, or about 3 inches.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
1,104 years
Average Height
Males: 6' 1" - 7' 11"; Females: 5' 7" - 7' 7"
Average Weight
Males: 106 - 172 lb; Females: 96 - 162 lb


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