Primus pilus Rank/Title in Amospia | World Anvil

Primus pilus

The Primus pilus is the senior centurion of the first cohort in a Roman legion. He is a career soldier and advisor to the legate.   While every normal cohort is composed of five centuries, the one that is led by the primus pilus has about ten centuries, 800 men.   The primus pilus remains in command for one year, though it is not uncommon for him to remain in command for longer periods of time during a campaign. After his term is finished he can continue to serve in the army if there is a vacancy in command or if he wishes to become an independent commander of an auxilia unit or praefectus castrorum.


In addition to being the most senior centurion, the primus pilus has a place in the war councils along with the military tribunes and the Legatus of the legion.


The primus pilus is a well paid position, about 60 times that of the average legionary. They typically accumulate enough wealth to become part of the Equestrian class. However, the Primus pilus gains Equestrian status after retiring regardless of wealth.
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
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