Raskaria City

Raskaria City is the cultural capital of the UKE, the most populated city on the planet and one of the most diverse areas of the world. For centuries, people have flocked to the gates to find new opportunities and wealth.


The people of Raskaria City are more diverse than other cities in the UKE. A wide array of different races and ethnic origins call the capital home; most peculiarly a surprisingly large number of Narmen call the city home, not just in the First Amospian quarter.


The city was originally founded by the Romans, around 230 CE. This is where the first part of the sewers that run under the city come from, and the first iteration of the walls. After the fall of Rome, Raskaria City quickly became a hub in the region, as previous shipments of things from the empire no longer existed. Under the rulership of King Antois I, and King Antois II, the city walls that still stand today were built. Under Antois III's long rule, the city experienced unprecedented growth as more ports and assets were secured for the nation, and contacts with foreign nations were forged.


The walls have an ancient history, but over the years have been refurbished many times. This gives the city the feeling of having layers built up over time. The roads are paved very well, and the monuments are kept up by the church workers.


The capital sits within a thick forest, where a clearing filled with hills made a very good defensive location.
Founding Date
230 CE
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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