The United Kingdoms of Europe

The United Kingdoms of Europe is a major nation on Amospia, and the extent of the republic has changed and reshaped world history to this day. The most notable events in history included the UKE, or Idgypt, the UKE's closest ally.


The structure of the UKE government, which has gone through many changes in the last century, revolves around the Constitution and its Proclamations. At the head of the federal government is an Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branch established with equal power, and due to many conflicts of interest, is not allowed by law to infringe upon the rights of the people laid out by the Constitution. Below the federal branches, the 7 kingdoms, with the exception of Kharanos, each hold a similar structure to the federal government. A number of the kingdoms retain their previous monarchs that diminish in power with each generation. This exception was passed in order to appease those which believed the traditional values of the monarchy should remain in place at the formation of the republic.

Public Agenda

The agenda of the UKE varies widely depending on the current President. Commonly followed though, is a firm devotion to the countries allies, and an unwavering war-machine always ready for an attack, but never striking the first blow. The culture of the UKE values efficiency, and so those trade partners which are deemed reckless or no longer beneficial to the economy are quickly separated ties with to avoid future conflicts.


Behind the banner of the UKE, hundreds of thousands of some of the world's best soldiers rally their call. The army and air forces value a balance of great quality and sufficient quantity, whereas the navy's emphasis lies mainly on quality over quantity, each ship costing as much as a whole city district at times.   Besides manpower, the UKE greatly values its fortress warfare. This ensures that any city shall be able to hold fast against any attacker with even a minimal garrison of soldiers. Fortress warfare has been ingrained in the culture of the UKE since its founding.   Lastly, besides military resources altogether, the UKE values a capitalistic society more than those of many other nations. This is necessary to achieve a more efficient economy, and the large guilds that make their way in the UKE are some of the most influential in the world.

Technological Level

CANNONS: The UKE in particular is the only nation to mass produce cannons on a large scale to outfit its armies, giving a slight edge in long-range bombardment and defense.   CLOCKWORK CONSTRUCTS: Besides some small sects of the ancient Narmans and modern Gnomes, the UKE (The Dwarves in Particular) is one of the only major nations with a decent amount of constructs. Some heated political strife has occurred in recent times regarding the Warforged, a race of constructs that largely gained sentience. The clockwork knowledge has also been used to bolster the air force with flying machines capable of delivering high-yield explosives, and the navy with advanced propulsion systems on the UKS Wutbrecher.


Education is popular in both the Arcane and Mundane schools.   Literacy, although high for the time, is still only about 30%.

"Es lebe blut und eisen."
"Long live blood and iron."

Founding Date
918 CE
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Previously known as: The United Coalition of Burgundy, The Kingdom of Raskaria.
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Market economy
The Gold Piece (gp), commisioned as the world currency back under the reign of Pierre Antois III, is still the official currency used by the UKE. Smaller denominations include: Silver Piece (sp), and Copper Piece (cp). A larger denomination that is less used called the Platinum Piece (pp) also exists.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

Articles under The United Kingdoms of Europe


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