Razor Tail Village

The tribe known as Razor Tail is one of the five lizardman tribes that lives in the wetlands of what they call the Great Lake.   Unlike the other lizardmen tribes, Razor Tail does not chose its chieftain through a test of strength. Instead it is a test of wisdom, possibly to find a competent wielder of the White Dragon Bone Armor, one of the Four Treasures of the Lizardmen, which can temporarily sacrifice the user's intelligence in exchange for power, becoming harder than steel, matching the hardness of mithril* or possibly even adamantine*.   *Not sure if these metals exist in Amospia or not, investigate later.


In the past, Razor Tail participated in the resource war of the Wetlands. The tribe was part of an alliance of three lizardmen tribes: Green Claw, Small Fang and itself. This alliance faced off against an opposing alliance composed of Yellow Speckle and Sharp Edge. Led by Green Claw, the three tribe alliance emerged victorious, and with their victory assured, it brought peace to the Wetlands. After the war came to an end, Razor Tail still remained allies with the other two tribes.
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