Red Eye Village

The tribe known as Red Eye is one of the five lizardman tribes that lives in the wetlands of what they call the Great Lake. They are known for their knowledge of medicine and large number of druids.


Many years ago, during the resource war in the Wetlands between the various tribes of lizardmen, Red Eye opted to remain neutral to avoid the conflict. In order to survive the food shortages, druids would use their magic to conjure food, however, even their magic was not enough to sustain their people indefinitely. In desperate need to slow the tribe's path to extinction, the chief of Red Eye resorted to cannibalism by using banished tribesmen as food.   Though the majority of the tribe knew vaguely where the meat originated from, and such actions were all taboo, they reluctantly accepted the meat the chief had given them. However, the piling guilt and grievances eventually turned into a revolt led by Crusch Lulu. The chieftain was killed when he refused to surrender and the title of leadership was passed on to Crusch Lulu, who became the acting chieftain.
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