Return Badge/Totem


These badges and totems work together to give what some may consider near immortality to the wearers. They were designed by the Narmen to be able to field their men in battle without casualties taking a massive chunk out of their dwindling population.
Specifically, these badges can be attuned to the totems to transport the wearers back to the totems should they take potentially fatal injuries. The badges are able to monitor their well being just enough to teleport them the moment they sustain what should be a fatal blow or if they are simply beaten unconscious and left lying there. The badges and totem then administer a powerful healing spell capable of even saving creatures that have died, so long as their injuries are not too severe and that they died in the prior 5 or 6 seconds.
Variants of these badges also exist that have additional functionality such as allowing sailors that have fallen overboard to teleport themself back aboard, using more powerful teleportation to transport further distances for those a long way from home, enabling the dying soldier to choose to instead explode in the the hopes of taking as many hostiles down with as they can, and having a contingency wherein if the badge fails to bring them to safety the wearer and everything they are carrying is disintegrated so that it cannot be found.


The totem is a 7 foot tall wooden pole is covered in rings of purple glowing runes that go around its circumference at various angles. The runes are made of purpur and are set in rings of polished and enchanted iron protruding a short distance from the pole. A large pair of angelic wings made of shimmering prismarine crystal extend from either side of the pole. The pole itself has been carved and painted to give the appearance of a large snake winding around the pole going under the iron rings with its head located on top of the pole.
The badge can take a wide variety of shapes making it impossible to identify on sight alone. Common appearances include a crest, a badge signifying rank, a religious symbol, or the image of an angel or snake.
Item type
1,500 lbs (Totem), 3.5 oz (Badge)
7 feet tall by 2 feet across with a width of 5 feet from the widest point of the wings (Totem), ~2 in diameter with ~1/4 in thickness (Badge)
Base Price
104,000 gp (Totem), 1,625 gp (Badge)


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