First Amospian Empire

The First Amospian Empire is the most ancient nation on Amospia, fading into myth for the better part of 6,000 years after the Great Flood. First Amospia is a place of great magic power, having a very large percentage of the population able to cast spells. After so long without outside contact, First Amospia came into a completely alien world from which they left, with new kingdoms, races, legends, and monsters.


In ancient times the goddess Zovilla determined that there should be people in her world so three races were made. Among these were the Narmans. Skilled in the holy and arcane arts, they were to be her chosen race.   Unlike the other races, the Narmans were led throughout their early years by the goddess. With the aid and care of her they grew into poweful beings with a great empire that covered the land. They even spread across the upper planes.   Zovilla used the Narmans to chase out the demons and void gods, who ruled the lower dimensions, from the central dimension as well as many attacks back into the void. They created powerful weapons which shone with Zovilla's radiance.   For ten thousand years they ruled under Zovilla's light but it could not last forever. Many of the Narmans began to fall away. The largest sect turned their focus to learning but others turned to the forbidden powers of darkness.   Among the Dark Ones, as they were called, was a powerful general who fought on the front lines and experienced the full power of the void first hand. He grew envious of the void's forces as they fought with hundreds while he with thousands.   The general, whose original name is unknown, wished for a larger portion of power akin to what the demons wielded, But he was denied his request, so he began studying the dark arts in secret and subtly employing them in his fight.   Around this time a division of those who sought knowledge determined that they lacked knowledge of the dark side of magic and that it benefit them to know more about it. Along this line, they opened a portal into The Heart of the Void.   This act attracted the attention of one of the more powerful void gods who, while the researchers were conducting tests, passed through the portal and wreaked havoc on the plane tearing it asunder. By the time Zovilla arrived, there was nothing left beyond few patches of dirt with one or two trees. Zovilla swiftly banished the void god and raised the plane, 2:1, out of the Narmans portals to prevent them from accessing the higher planes.   She then sent a mighty flood across the world to wipe out the Narmans. A few took refuge on the tallest mountains to come down when the waters had receded though it never came down all the way. These were ancestors of race of man.   Along with the flood Zovilla took away the Narmans divine magics leaving them defenseless except for the sect of those who sought knowledge and will skilled in the arcane arts. They erected a shield around the capital.   But such a large shield could not last forever. Arcane magic was used both to make smaller more permanent shields around the entrances of buildings and to transform the inhabitants into an aquatic races able to withstand extended periods without air.   Then, the great shield was carefully retracted to avoid further damage to the structures within. The Narmans now lived beneath the waves in their grand capital ignoring the fact that the rest of their empire was gone.   But one escaped fate another way. The un-named general, upon hearing of the coming flood, knew that his time had come. He stood before his grand armies and unleashed his black magic turning the souls of his men into fuel for his magic.   He then raised them into undeath, their bones blackened from the radiant darkness of his spell, and opened a grand portal to -1:-1 through which he sent his immortal warriors before following through himself. From here he grew in power ultimately sacrificing even his form to grow in might to become on of the most powerful demons in all the realms. With this power he has become known as the Dark Lord and commands legions of undead minions.   After a few thousand years the Narmans were found by a race humanoid fungi demonstrating to them that the world had grown while they sat and pouted. They began to expand onto a nearby island to form a dock and onto a floating city.   They then began to reach out to other nations forming alliances with the fungi as well as the U.C.B and Idgypt. They also shifted their focus in study. Instead of attempting to recreate their divine weapons of old they created new arcane wonders.   As well they established a navy. many thousands strong of large vessels of massive sizes, the largest of which being the Muspell.

Trade & Transport


The bulk of imports into Narman lands are food and exotic reagents.
Narmen think highly of themselves and with that and their talented minds the vast majority make their way into mental pursuits or skilled labors, farming is rare. As such, before their surfacing most of their diets were composed of raw fish caught with magic and magically summoned tasteless yet nutritious substances such as gruel. Once they surfaced, however, Narmen began importing much more palatable cuisine from all over the world.
Narmen use magic constantly and nearly all Narmen learn basic cantrips while they are still young and so it is no surprise that there is a considerable market for reagents. Many spells require reagents and so do the magic items Narmen are so fond of, additionally many reagents, while not necessary, can make spells or items considerably stronger. Some of these reagents are common and so the main issue is simply the bulk of reagents being consumed while others can be rare and hard to find, needing to be imported from distant lands.


Narmen primarily produce, and therefore export, magic items ranging from compiled spellbooks, spell scrolls, and wands to enchanted weapons and armor, crystal balls, and rings of invisibility.


The Amospian education in magical arts in matched by no other. Today, Narmen are even seen teaching classes at the magical academies of other nations, and aiding the construction of artifacts and items.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Amospia, The Narmen.
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Major Exports
Magic Items (Magic Weapons and Armor, Scrolls, Staves, Wands, Spellbooks, and Miscellaneous Magic Items)
Major Imports
Food, Reagents
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Manufactured Items
Notable Members

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