
Shedet (also called Krokodilopolis by some Greeks) is a port city on the north-eastern border of Idgypt. It is the center of Sobek worship, and he has a temple on the northern end of the city. In the center of the city is the Neorion Naval Arsenal, a major naval base and home of the Hekkaideceres-class ship, the INS Ramases. The city is also home to a gladiator arena, bringing in spectators from around the region.

Industry & Trade

Major Exports: Wheat, Sandstone, Dates, Salt, Silver, Jewelry, Copper, Valuable Goods, Religious Goods, Ships, Beer, Wine, Grapes   Major Imports: Lumber, Iron, Steel


Shedet is home to the Krokodilopolis Arena, where various game are held throughout the year and on special occasions.
Alternative Name(s)
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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