All Bronthan culture revolves around Zeilar and cultural unity in opposition to Infernal forces.
Each day is a reminder that death is a part of life and vice versa. The armies of the Iron Empire march just outside the walls. The sun's light cascades from across the eastern horizon only to vanish beneath the west. Each Bronthan subject is raised from birth to understand that death is inevitable and not unwelcome, that each stage of life is important, and that sacrifice is what turns the eternal wheel.
As such, Bronthans are raised to be grateful, diligent, dutiful and compassionate. They are to help each other when in need, give what they have to those without, endure hardships to preserve their neighbors and ultimately, some day, die. Until then, they're encouraged to celebrate every day under the light of the sun.
Bronthans have a strong cultural tendency towards honesty, or at least of mistrust towards those keeping secrets. The Light of Truth shines into the darkest corners, so keep those corners clean of evil thoughts and deeds.
Life in Brontha follows the pattern of the sun, with prayers, chores, markets, meals and social gatherings dictated by the cycle of dawn, day, dusk and darkness. There is a rhythm to this life, a pattern in which they are taught to find comfort.
While not every Bronthan is called to take up arms against the Demonic Imperiums, it is every Bronthan's holy duty to resist the Infernals and their servants, through prayer, work and sacrifice.
Suggested Parentages
- Celestial (Rare)
- Dwarven (Desert, Ember)
- Elemental (Fire)
- Human
- Leonin
- Sphinx (Rare)
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Abar, Addaya, Ahaneith, Amenia, Behenu, Bunefer, Djer, Duanre, Garnet, Gilukhipa, Hemaka, Herneith, Hui, Iaret, Ini, Isesu, Kashta, Kiya, Ladice, Meresan, Ruby, Tryphaena
Masculine names
Alara, Amosis, Anmeris, Aramantle, Aspelta, Baufra, Chephren, Dagi, Den, Didia, Djau, Harwa, Inaros, Kalor, Manetho, Muthis, Nestor, Pevomm, Pothinus, Tlepolemus
Major language groups and dialects
Common, Ignan, Celestial
Shared customary codes and values
Historical figures
Flamefather Kalor, the Prophet
Beauty Ideals
The interplay of light and darkness is greatly celebrated. Makeup is ceremonial, ornate, full of religious meaning. Gold and red gems are prized above all other forms of beauty. Feathers in the hair are a sign of piety and beauty.
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