Astreos: Dancing Shadows

Astreos is the land of the least trusted deity Leira. While the other five gods operate in a way that is tangible and easy for those who are of narrow paths to understand, Leira operates within the shadows. Her lands reflect this. Clasholas, also known as the false city, in the middle of the continent with four unique rivers that feed into and out of the city. These rivers serve as waterways to and from the main city into the the Unbreaking Sea. Instead of the more obvious trades that might be found in and out of Arethemis or even Setena, Astreos deals in goods that only the goddess of shadows and illusions can. Scouts for sensitive missions, blessings to be unseen, subterfuge, even escape for those who are in difficult situations.   Similiar to their goddess, Astreos is the least trusted of the six continents. With no obvious power structures to the outsiders, agents who deal in less than honorable ways of fighting, and dabbling in magics that seem unknown, those who hail from Astreos aren't as forthcoming with their heritage and faith. Ironically, their reluctance to talk about the subject gives them away as much as a religious symbol would. Though, this mistrust has been misplaced as Leira has never done anything to earn the distrust of the other five gods nor their followers.   The land of Astreos is one that was birthed from darkness and chose to stay there. With 14 hours of darkness each day, the daytime of Astreos is far less prevalent than the night. The majority of the cities along with Clasholas shut down during the day. The daylight itself never seeming to be more than prolonged sunrise to sunset, there is no high point for the sun to reach during the day as it lazily hides behind the horizon.
Geopolitical, Country


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