Changes, Rules, and Character Creation

Here are some changes and rules I'd like to try to use, but I want all everyone's opinion on them. Please let me know what you guys all think  
  • Characters start at level 1 with 33 point buy and one level 1 feat
  • Flanking - Instead of granting advantage, flanking will grant a +2 to attack roles.
  • Crits - Crits will instead be calculated differently. Instead of rolling two times the normal damage dice, the formula will be damage dice plus the amount of maximum possible damage before modifiers and then the modifiers will be added last. (e.g. if a rapier crits, instead of being 2d8 plus modifiers it will instead be 8 plus 1d8 plus modifiers)
  • Resurrection DC - Each time a character is resurrected, the person casting the resurrection spell must roll a spellcasting ability check. The check must exceed 8 plus the amount of times the target of the spell has had a resurrection spell cast on them. If the resurrection spell fails, the DC still increases by 1 and the target of the resurrection can only be resurrected by a spell at least 1 level higher than the previous spell cast. (e.g. a character being resurrected who has been resurrected twice before will have a resurrection DC of 10)
  • Healing Potions - Healing Potions now take an action to consume or feed to someone but now instead heal for the full amount possible when consumed. (e.g. a potion of healing will now heal a straight 10 HP instead of 2d4+2)
  • Starting HP - Character HP at level one will be calculated as one full hit die plus their con modifier plus 8.
  • Bloodied Status - When a character hits half it's health or less it is considered bloodied.
  • Player Character Stats - Player characters can ignore +2,+1 bonuses to specific stats and instead put their +2,+1 bonus in any attributes they so choose.
  • Player race restrictions - Aarakocra can be played but will not have access to flying until later levels (levels TBD)
  • Because there is no Underdark, the following races cannot be chosen to be played: Drow, Duergar, Svirneblin


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