The Curious Case of Magic

Magic on Anatheous is a curiosity for most, and an obsession for some. Over the years, debates have raged over the nature of this incredible source of power and change. Casters, no matter their skill level or capacity for understanding the arcane, have yet to figure out the source of magic. The ability to cast magic not being something that a person draws upon from within their core, but instead something they draw upon that comes from the world itself... or at least that's the general understanding. Whenever a spell is cast, whether it is of the most minor of abilities or of the highest echelon of power, it is a raw force of power that is being channeled through the caster. As spellcasters grow in power, they learn how to further refine their ability to not only channel the powers of the world but how to harness greater amounts of it. They gain the ability cast spells without harming themselves as they act as a refining conduit for the innate power coursing through the world. When asked by individuals who cannot cast spells, casters often use a well worn example saying something to the effect of "it's like being able to drink saltwater while in the middle of the ocean. From there, once we drink the water we can choose how to expel the water."   While some theorize that every planet with life has this raw power just saturating it, others suggest that instead it is the planet itself generating the source of power. When pressed for the source of this power they are unable to give any definitive or suggestive answers, often saying that more time is needed to continue to unlock the answers to these complex questions.   There are no definitive answers as to the case for magic, but there is a tight race for people to find the origins of the magic with the understanding that if someone were to find how it's created that it would fundamentally change the world.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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