The Eye in the Sky

Anatheous is a planet full of life. From intelligent creatures who can read and write, to trees, animals, magic, and ecosystems. Along with being a planet, it is also a moon. It is the second of six moons that orbits a blueish-silver gas giant known as the Eye of Selune or colloquially referred to as The Eye.   The Eye only reveals itself late into the evening and through the whole of the night until it sets below the horizon while the sun breaks the other end of the horizon. With a clear night, the eye gives a gentle blue and silver tint to everything it touches. It is often seen as a comfort and a blessing on nights The Eye can be seen, reassuring the denizens of the planet that their loving mother of the heavens is watching and protecting them. When there is a thin layer of cloud cover, the sky gives a gentle blue radiance. On nights The Eye can't be seen, it's a sign of ill-omen and many people retreat into their homes for the night in an attempt to avoid not being under the protective gaze of the goddess.


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