The Pantheon and Their Domains

There are six major ruling gods over the world of Anatheous, with a seventh who isn't regularly worshiped but can be openly followed. Given the vast amount of domains available to the gods and their limited numbers, they've split the domains as fairly as possible.   Selune; The most widely and openly worshiped of the pantheon, Selune is the most openly acknowledged deity. Her significance coming from her domains and the massive cosmological body that reveals itself every night on Anatheous. Her crest is that of one eye embedded within the gas giant. Her place of power is the tower in Numis known as Eye's Watch, her speaker is a human woman known as Valeska.   Her domains are;  
  • The Eye
  • The heavens
  • The stars
  • The moons orbiting the Eye
  • Magic
Gond; While Selune might be the most worshiped of the gods, Gond is almost equally well acknowledged. A deity who is regularly petitioned to help bring order, reason, and logic to an otherwise seemingly chaotic world. His symbol being an upright scroll with two candles flanking both sides of it. His speaker is a male loxodon known as Zedjos.   His domains are;  
  • Knowledge
  • Craft
  • Information
  • Trade
  Auril; Auril is a less often recognized goddess but has a quite a far reaching set of domains, it is common for the more artistic-inclined individuals to regularly give some sort of worship or prayer to her. Her symbol is four leafs in an arch that change in color left to right - White, lime green, verdant green, crimson. Though, often her symbol is just an arch of four leafs. Her speaker is a female eladrin elf known as Eildiel.   Her domains are;  
  • Nature
  • Seasons
  • Crops
  • Joy
  • Wilderness
  • Beauty
  • Love
  • Marriage
  Leira; Out of the members of the pantheon, Leira is the most distrusted. Not because she's ever earned the distrust but because her domains are that of the unseen. Her sigil is a scimitar surrounded by a faint mist. The speaker of Leira is a halfling known as Queni.   Her domains are;  
  • Illusion
  • Trickery
  • Stealth
  • Shadows
  • The unseen
  • Subterfuge
  Torm; In contrast to Leira, Torm is a god called upon regularly. A prayer to him is often treated similar to a rally call more than a whispered plea and can be used to rally martial forces. His crest is a single-fisted gauntlet. His speaker is a male goliath known as Marok.   His domains are;  
  • Life
  • Light
  • Combat
  • Justice
  • Strength
  • Protection
  • Birth
  • War
  Kelemvor; The god of death is not one feared but instead revered and respected. While Torm is called upon in life and the protection of it, Kelemvor is called upon when death is inevitable and it is time to pass. His crest is six candles that are all of the same stature. His speaker is an ambiguous gray tiefling known as Kacius.   His domains are;  
  • Death
  • Spirits
  • The afterlife
  • Poisons
  • Disease
  • Pain
  • The dead
  Tempus; Unlike the six who are regularly accepted within the lands of Anatheous, Tempus is seen as a demi-god who isn't quite worthy of a proper domain on the planet and instead was given domain over the Unbreaking Seas and the lost isles of the Lawless Archipelago. Those who are foolish enough to sail past the oceanic borders will be left to his mercy. Rarely does anyone admit to following him, nor does he have a place of power or a speaker.
Religious, Divine Host


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