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Circle of Brea

Breanic druids serve the people of the world. Every town has one to help crops grow and to heal the sick.

Breanic druids, or 'the Breanica', are by far the most commonly encountered druids in the world. They are followers of Brea, Mother of All, goddess of domesticated nature, harvests, plenty, and the seasons. Druids' ability to magically enhance the growth of plants, their ability to talk to crops to find out which pests are bothering them, their healing abilities, and other skills have always made druidic magic an integral part of agriculture. Breanic druids make this their life's work.   Every town of a certain size has a resident druid of the Circle of Brea, usually living with several apprentices. Larger towns and cities that rely on extensive fields or herds might have several Breanic druids. Large cities may have several Breanic temples in the fields around the city. Small villages and hamlets often share druidic services. Itinerant druids accompany caravans of circuit-riding magistrates, tinkers, merchants, and/or evangelist clerics in small communities everywhere.   The efforts of the Circle of Brea has two major consequences. The first is that with production magically amplified, relatively few farms can support enormous numbers of people. With enough for everyone to eat, there are more artists, artisans and merchants than there might have been if more people needed to farm.   The second major consequence is that, by potentially controlling food production world-wide, the Hierophant of the Circle of Brea is effectively one of the most powerful figures on the continent. However, the druidic elders have (so far) always chosen someone politically neutral and wise to be Hierophant. It is also unclear whether the rank-and-file Breanic druids would even respond to a command from the head of their order to stop helping food grow. Regardless, the potential threat is enough to keep most world leaders giving due deference to the Hierophant.   Tens of thousands of years ago, a more militant sect split off from the Circle of Brea to form the Circle of Hieronius, named after an early leader of the movement. The Hieronians believe that settlements are an outgrowth of nature and must be protected as much as any forest. Their sometime enemies are the Circle of Silentus, who believe that settlements are a cancer on the natural world and work towards a great rewilding. Though philosophically on the side of the Hieronians, the Breanica leadership chooses to remain neutral in that rivalry. In order to make sure there is enough food for the world, the Breanica cannot takes sides in any way, least of all politically. They feed kings and peasants, renaissances and despotisms. They have fed conquerers and the conquered, victims and war criminals. And they will continue to feed them all, no matter what happens.   A Breanic druid is not allowed to have a posting until they can cast the Plant Growth spell.

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