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The Death Curse of 1207 A.C.


  Hundreds of years ago, deep in the jungles of Chult was once the city of Omu. After an all-too-brief golden age, the Omuans abandoned the traditional worship of the geshtai Ubtao, turning instead to nine indigenous trickster geshtai. Some warned that their city’s subsequent decline was due to their abandonment of the old ways, but it was too late. The planewalking lich Acererack had arrived, in disguise and offering salvation through order.   At first the Omuans worked on his underground temple freely, in exchange for the peace and stability that Acererack brought. But eventually the lich took complete power, killing the nine trickster geshtai and enslaving the Omuans. He forced them to abandon everything to exca-vate what had become a tomb for the gods he had killed. The city of Omu became a death camp and Acererack -- deeply feared even in other cities -- was often referred to as ‘Tamoachan Returned.’ When the Tomb of the Nine Gods was finished, Acererack massacred the remaining Omuans so that none could reveal the Tomb’s secrets. Acererack left, leaving behind the charnel house of Omu, bodies still littering the streets.   In 1207 A.C., Acererack returned to Chult. He had unleashed a curse on the world, such that anyone who had ever been magically resurrected would waste away into death. And resurrection magic no longer worked more than once, and those raised wasted away from the Curse as well.   The Death Curse prevents anyone on the planet from being resurrected more than once. And anyone who has been resurrected slowly wastes away until they are dead again [losing 1 max HP per day].   Because the Death Curse only affects those who have been brought back from the dead, it affects only those with access to resurrection magic. This means powerful clerics, druids and the occasional powerful bard. So the Death Curse largely affects two types of people: the rich and the powerful. Specifically, those wealthy and powerful enough to secure the services of a cleric strong enough to raise the dead. For this reason, the vast majority of people are completely unaffected by the Curse, at least directly.   Indirectly, many people are affected when a large part of the ruling classes (along with many beloved heroes) begin to waste away and die off. While the upper classes were crippled, life went on pretty much as always for everyone else. In fact, it became clear to many people that all those Kings and Queens, High Priests and Archmages didn’t seem to be necessary for things to run smoothly. In time, the Death Curse would be credited with birthing more than one anti-monarchical movement.   Word of the Curse spread quickly among the elite of the world, most of whom worked to suppress knowledge of the Death Curse from the common people    

Impacts Around the World

  The civil war in Moghadam has gone from cold to hot again. Rumors of the Prince and other members of the royal family being struck with the death curse have given courage to the rebels. There is an uprising in the city of Erelessa, Mazandaram. Famous for its wealthy city center ringed by progressively poorer tenements and slums, it is also well known for the brutality of the city’s ruling elite. Inspired by the same situation as the Moghadamian rebels, the poor of Erelessa have risen up. The City Center is burning, and several palaces have been looted. Barricades are up around the central wards, staffed constantly by rotating teams from the impromptu militias that have been organized.   In cities all over the world, political speakers are preaching various reforms from street corners; some of the most radical are openly calling for democracy.   In temples across the South junior clerics are speaking up, arguing for more egalitarian temple hierarchies.   There are demonstrations and guilds going on strike over taxes that pay for the luxury of the nobility.   At least one corrupt Feanese baron has been hung.   The ausranic-supremacist organization the Children of Ausra has been gaining recruits. They have been successfully using the political chaos to offer an egalitarian racism and nostalgia for a mythical time when elves, humans, and orcs ruled the world from nomadic caravans.
Lady Atraxas of Tanatra
Eku of Toathra
Ecthenna the Wraith King
High Priestess Ohra of the Batiri
Hrung the Golden Grung

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