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The Sister-Moons


In the beginning, there was nothingness. The spirits were formless in the void and all was chaos. Eons passed. In time, the spirits of the many stars began to sing themselves into being, creating islands of light in the darkness. Eons passed. The stars decided to have children, birthing planets, comets, and moons, each with a spirit of its own. Eons passed. In time the planet Ancathra was born from its mother star, and bore in her turn three children -- the moons Hinshira, Tiwaz, and ringed Matija.   Matija was the most beautiful and the most powerful moon, the largest and the only one with rings. One day, Matija said to her sister-moons, “We should have children of our own, like Ancathra before us, and the stars before that.” So the sisters looked down on Ancathra, and seeing the land, the sea, and the sky, chose to divide the world between them. Hinshira chose the air, and gave birth to all that flies, all the birds and the insects and flying beasts. Tiwaz chose the sea, and she gave birth to all that lives beneath the waters, all the rivers and streams, all the lakes and oceans of the world were the domain of her children. Matija, the oldest and most powerful, chose the land, giving birth to all that walks or crawls or burrows, whether on the surface or underground. And so life began on Ancathra. The sister-moons then called out to the void and the chaos, inviting divine spirits without form to join them. Spirits great and small responded, inhabiting the earth, the seas, and the skies. The greatest among these were the Old Gods , protecting and guiding the life that the sister-moons had given birth to. Lesser spirits became geshtai , gods of small things - of groves, streams, trees, streets, and cities.

The Great Old Ones

When the Sister Moons called out for gods to come to Ancathra, they also inadvertantly called out to the Far Realms. Having alerted the ancient evils known as the Great Old Ones to Ancathra's existence, several of them began to slowly turn towatds this mortal world. Nishoggua the Night Serpent heard the call first, and moved quickly to enter this new plane. Soon after, the Great Old One Tsothuagga the Repenter feared that contact with Ancathra would pollute the Far Realms and dilute their power. Forming a pact with the Sister Moons, Tsothuagga prevents any of the Old Ones from physically entering this world. 


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