Escape the Black Isle Plot in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Escape the Black Isle

To the north of the continent of Ditea, across the warm and story Gem Sea, there is an emerald among the sapphires. Wrapped in a cloak of dark storm clouds is an island with a long and contentious history. Bow-shaped buildings in teal and gold cluster on the coast, overshadowed by towers of obsidian and silver. One tower stands taller than the rest, with stones and a purpose darker than its fellows.   The Obsidian Tower, and the island surrounding it, have been used by the Samael Empire as a place to hold their most dangerous monsters and most disgraced prisoners. In the forests of the Black Isle, creatures are released into a land ravaged by magical storms and roamed by native creatures that will fight to defend their home. And in the great Tower, assassins and thieves and traitors brush shoulders under the watchful eye of the Warden, a disgraced monster hunter. She rules her charges with an iron fist...and that includes you.



The players will have a host of potential allies, both in the Tower and beyond it.