Masterworks of a Different Kind Document in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Masterworks of a Different Kind

This book was the greatest creation of Frederich "Fritz" Von Weerg, and it is unfinished. Within it, he wrote all of his knowledge of the artificer craft, and began to pass on the knowledge of his own secret techniques to creating his masterworks.. It is a dense technical read, as Von Weerg made no attempts to dumb down his language for the layman.   This book does not require attunement, but a character must be at least a level 2 artificer in order to gain any value from it. As the contents are incomplete, there is only so much that can be understood.   An artificer must put in the effort to understand the contents of the manual over a period time. First, you must devote an amount of days of uninterrupted study to the book's content, which are cumulative. At the end of each designated set of days, you then make an Intelligence check to attempt to apply what you're learned. If you fail the intelligence check, you must attempt to re-do however many days you last studied (for example, if you fail the check for Contagious Personality, you must spend another three days studying the material you've learned since gaining Intelligent Helm.)  

Infused Personality

The DC for this is 10.   After 1 uninterrupted day of devoted study, you've gained the Infused Personality infusion, which can be applied to any item. When you create the item, choose an alignment. The item gains following properties based on the alignment you chose:
  • Lawful: This item will always roll the average for its damage, healing, or other effects that require rolling a die.
  • Good: This item grants a +1 to all healing rolls, or a +1 bonus to AC (choose when you create the item.) This bonus increases to +2 when you reach level 10 of this class.
  • Chaotic: Every time you roll for this item's effect, roll 3d20. The one that lands furthest away from you is the roll you must take.
  • Evil: This item grants +1 to all damage rolls or rolls to hit (choose when you create the item.) This bonus increases to +2 when you reach level 10 of this class.

Intelligent Helm

The DC for this is 12.   Credit to Third_Sundering on DNDBeyond. After 2 total days of uninterrupted study, you gain the Intelligent Helm infusion, which can be applied to any piece of headwear or headgear, which requires attunement. You must be a level 6 artificer to use this infusion. You infuse this item with an intelligent personality intended to assist its wearer. While wearing this helmet, you can communicate telepathically with the intelligence in the item. The intelligence is kind and helpful to the wearer. It has no ability scores save for Intelligence and Wisdom, which are +1 to your own.   While wearing this item, you gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence, and gain advantage on all Intelligence based checks.  

Contagious Personality

The DC for this is 14.   After five total days of interrupted study, you must succeed on a DC15 Intelligence check. On a success, you gain the feature Contagious Personality. From now on, the first item you craft after a long rest automatically is infused with the Infused Personality tied to your alignment (pick one, not both.) If your alignment is True Neutral, then pick one alignment as soon as you gain this feature, which will count as your alignment for the purpose of this feature. Using this feature does not count as one of your infused items per rest. You can choose to forgo this feat and pick another infusion to apply, but this will count as one of your infused items per rest.  

Additional Features

The above features are as much as you can learn without Von Weerg's assistance, or the next best thing: his personal notes. If by some miracle, you are able to obtain either, you gain the following class features:

Soul Transfusion

The DC is 16.   After seven total days of uninterrupted study under Von Weerg's tutelage, or ten total days with the book and his notes, you gain access to the Soul Tranfusion spell.

Soul Crafter

The DC is 18.   After ten days of total days of uninterrupted study under Von Weerg's tutelage or using his notes, or fourteen total days with the book and his notes, all chances of failure/death for the Soul Transfusion spell are lowered as below:  
Tiny 1 vial 7% 5%
Small 1 vial 15% 10%
Medium 2 vials 25% 15%
Large 4 vials 30% 20%
Manual, Magical / Occult