Mountain Elves Ethnicity in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Mountain Elves

Although they are more academically known as "mountain elves," the dark-skinned elven folk that dwell deep in mountains are called "dark elves" by most. They have the highest affinity for magic out of any of the elven subspecies. They are the most isolated of the three groups, as other types of elves typically shun anywhere that doesn't see the sun or moon. Although mountain elves do worship both the moon and sun, they believe their isolation only strengthens their love and devotion.  


Mountain elves resemble sruface elves at first glance, but with starkly different coloration. Their skin tones range from jet black to light grey, or from pale blue to pale purple. They typically have white or purple teeth. Their hair can be white, black, pale yellow, or occassionally coppery in color. Eyes can be various shades of red or pink, though some shades of near-white blue, lilac, or silver are not uncommon. Their ears resemble those of plains elves, and are often downturned at the tips.   Like all elves, dark elves are magically attuned to their surroundings, and cannot thrive in light. They are extremely sensitive to sunlight, so much so that a single relatively cool day under the sun can cause painful burns. Those who go above ground must have specially-made balms and charms to protect their skin. Their magic is also weaker in the sun, and items enchanted below ground will gradually lose their magic if they are moved above.  

General Culture

Due to the relatively small number of mountain elves compared to other elves (numbering "only" in the hundreds of thousands). They are, of course, elves, and thus are uniquely in tune with their surroundings. The Underdark is cold, harsh, dangerous, and unforgiving, and so too are its inhabitants. The flora and fauna do not respond as kindly to elven magicks as those aboveground, so the mountain elves have adapted without what is typically a cornerstone of elven culture. Cruelty is not seen as such, for their very circumstances are cruel, and so it is seen as perfectly normal. Softness and kindness are weaknesses that will get you killed in the wilds of the Underdark, and are discouraged even in civilization.    When introducing themself, a mountain elf will state first their House name, then their family name, and lastly their public name. Unlike other elves, mountain elves do not have child and adult names, though they may change their given name if they dislike it. They have “public” names that are based on their true given names. True names are only shared freely among family and close friends.   Mountain elf culture is matriarchal in nature and has a strict authority structure that begins with the family unit. Every family has a matriarch whose word is final in all matters. She may then have favored daughters who may make decisions in her stead. When she dies, her daughters will contest her position, in battles that can be physical, magical, or mental in nature. In the event that a family should ever be without a matriarch, the family name is recorded as being a “dead line,” and the remaining men will petition to be adopted into another family. In the event that they are not adopted, slavery or exile to the surface are a man’s only option.   Their culture is functionally caste-based, though the castes have no official names. The “castes” are, in order of authority: those of high religious standing (Houses), those of magical genius, those of artisanal prowess, those adept at combat, and those who make up the foundation. It is believed that every elf and every family has a “true place,” or a “true calling,” and that they are always born below their calling so that they can fight for it. In this way, the individual, and the family, become strong enough and cunning enough to survive. An entire family can be elevated (or lowered) to a caste depending on the skills and standing of their matriarch and her favored daughters. It is believed that eventually you will feel a sense of “divine contentment” that means you have found your place. Mountain elves are in a constant struggle against one another to elevate themselves, and the harsh environment of the Underdark has made them harsh in turn. Violence, torture, extortion, and scheming are expected tools to advance in society.   Society is divided into Houses, which are headed by religious-caste noble families that take other non-noble families under their banner. Each House has its own distinct insignia, style, banner, and rules. Technically speaking, every mountain elf belongs to a House even if they are born into a lower-caste family. Very rarely, a House may trade a family to another, either by choice of the House matriarch or, more commonly, by petition by the matriarch of the family. This is usually done to strengthen or elevate one’s position, and requires proof that the family deserves the move.   Authority is very important to mountain elven culture. They have absolute loyalty to their House matriarch first, family matriarch second, and blood mother third. Beyond that, the only other authority they will acknowledge is their god, if they worship one. They have no obligation to obey any other House matriarch, any other family matriarch, or even any female family member besides their mother. They will acknowledge no other law or order, even if they are in another city or country. Being in a king’s country is not reason enough for a mountain elf to follow his orders, especially an order she dislikes. She may play along simply to make her life easier, but she will make it clear where her loyalties lie. Even exiled mountain elves will typically choose one individual to place their entire faith in, and will answer to no one else.   Mountain elven culture is, to outsiders, oxymoronic. On one hand, it is encouraged to view those around you as competitors to your true status in society, and it is encouraged to eliminate or humiliate them by any means necessary for your own advancement. However, there is also a strong importance placed on kin. A mountain elf might view her sister as a bitter enemy for their mother’s favor, but would still defend her from an assassin from another family. Similarly, she would always defend another mountain elf from another species, but in the safety of their insular city-state, might stab her in the back in the street.   Morality is an interesting subject when discussing mountain elves. The ruthless competition of their society lends itself to what a surfacer would consider deeply immoral behavior: political conniving, assassination, torture, and other “unsavory” behaviors are common. On the other hand, some things are forbidden by cultural norm. Rape and sexual violence are considered a disgusting act, as is desecration or disturbance of a dead (elven) body that has been laid to rest. Impersonating another mountain elf by name or pretending to be of another House, even for the lauded purpose of elevation, is outright illegal and punishable by death at the hands of the slighted party.   Slavery is one of the “unsavory” pillars of society that those within consider completely normal, and even natural. Their caste-based thinking extends past their selves and includes other species, which mountain elves consider themselves above. That said, even mountain elves (of lower caste) can be slaves. The mountain elves do not practice chattel slavery, nor is physical or sexual abuse of slaves widespread or considered acceptable. It is generally understood in the Underdark that to lose a fight against a mountain elf is to forfeit your freedom to them. Slavery to a House is also a potential punishment for crimes against them. Slavery is a lifelong sentence, and slaves are given a magical tattoo that identifies them as such. The tattoos are not House-specific, because slaves change hands as easily as currency. Slaves are considered part of a family’s wealth, and can be obtained a number of ways.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Mountain elf feminine names are a blend of Sylvan and Elvish words and phrases. They are generally quite long, but they will choose one word or phrase to use in every day life. They tend to be related to colors.

Masculine names

Mountain elf masculine names are a blend of Sylvan and Elvish words and phrases. They are generally quite long, but they will choose one word or phrase to use in every day life. They tend to be related to emotions.

Family names

Interestingly enough, mountain elf family names are generally in Elvish, and follow the same conventions as other elves: they are combinations of words that describe the origin of a family.


Major language groups and dialects

Nearly all mountain elves fluently speak Undercommon, a language that only passingly resembles Elvish, upon which it's based.


Beauty Ideals

The drow body is considered a masterwork of divinity, and extreme body modification is frowned upon. Tattoos, piercings, and dying one’s hair are all seen as a form of desecration to the holy, and the punishment may be severe depending on how strict one’s matriarch is. The height of beauty is having matching eye and skin color, with a contrasting hair color. On the other hand, having a contrasting eye color is considered unsettling, and it is uncommon.

Gender Ideals

Mountain elves, interestingly enough, have the strictest gender ideals. That said, they are nowhere near as strict as those of humans. They enforce an easy-to-read presentation, but are accepting and welcoming of transgender individuals (so long as those individuals are still willing to have children.)

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is mostly symbolic, as traditional mountain elven relationships are, from a cultural perspective, for the purpose of procreation. To that end, courtship involves showing off your skills and strengths, be it magical, physical, or artistic.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage is not very common, for loyalty to the family trumps other loves. Many mountain elves may have one or even a handful of committed partners, but exchanging vows and names is extremely rare, and often seen as a betrayal of your birth family. The culture is extremely heteronormative. Due to the high mortality rate in the Underdark, having as many children as possible is encouraged, and to that end anything besides heterosexuality is frowned upon (and, in the case of drow, punishable by religious law.)
Encompassed species

Articles under Mountain Elves

Mountain Elf

Ability Score Increase +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Superior Darkvision/Sunlight Sensitivity. When you play a mountain elf, you are accustomed to a low light environment. You have darkvision up to 120 feet. However, you have disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Wisdom (Perception) rolls that rely on sight when you are in an well-lit environment, unless you have a visual aid (tinted glasses, a brimmed hat, etc.)   Cantrips. You have a great affinity for magic. You know two cantrips of your choice from the wizard or sorcerer spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier. You have known these spells since you were young, and have mastered their use.

Languages. You speak the language of your culture. Generally speaking, this is Sylvan. REPLACE Elvish with Sylvan on your sheet in this case.