Order of Silver Organization in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Order of Silver

The Order of Silver is an order of knights assembled by the silver dragon Argynvost, who had the guise of a retired nobleman who funded them. Their headquarters were his home, the mighty Argynvostholt.   The Order fought with Strahd against the Tergs, but after Strahd rose as a vapmire, they turned on him. Unfortunately, they were unable to defeat him. Argynvost himself was slain, and the knights were slaughtered to the last. The death and desecration of their leader so angered the leader of the knights, Ser Vladimir, that he rose as a revenant and swore to avenge the death of the order. His rage was so great that he also raised the spirits of other knights, who are now also revenants under his command. He set the knights to kill not only Strahd's agents, but any who seek to end Strahd's torment. Consumed by hatred and rate, the once-noble knights have lost all honor and goodness. Their redemption hinges solidly on Ser Vladimir being freed from his hatred.

8897 - 9127

Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Knights of Silver, Silver Knights
Controlled Territories