The Hunger Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Hunger

Rishi Sharma

Rishi was born outside of the Valley, and discovered it later in his life. When he arrived, he knew at once he had found a place worth living in and defending. With his pure heart and strong will, he gained the title of Champion of Felis, an honor given to only four others. In life, Rishi protected the Valley and the people within it.   When Strahd came to the Valley, Rishi was among those who showed Strahd to Felis when he first made his deal with the quasi-god, and he was among those who stood in Strahd's way when he made his deal with Canis.   Shortly after emerging from the Amber Archives, Strahd dealt with Rishi. He captured the monk and took him to the Standing Stones. Rishi was tied to the easternmost stone, tortured, and starved. The only food given to him was the raw meat of ravens. When he refused to eat the sacred creatures of his quasi-god, he was forcefully fed the birds, and was forcefully given the strength to continue to endure his torment. This torment lasted for an entire month. Just before Rishi could reach the peace of death, Strahd ripped his heart out, and cursed him to remain forever on the torturous brink of painful death. He now wanders the area near Berez, searching for his missing heart.  

The Hunger

As the Hunger, Rishi has none of the warm and caring personality he had in life. All he knows is the agony of his final moments, and the gaping emptiness in his chest where his heart once was. He is a mindless undead creature who attacks without any thought for his own safety or wellbeing. He tries to rip the heart out of any living creature he encounters, and if he succeeds he devours them.  


If the characters manage to restore his heart, Rishi returns to the kind and warm man he once was. His spirit will remain as a ghost, where he can offer the characters some information about the Valley before Strahd arrived. He is not comfortable discussing the events of his death in detail, but he will give vague details.
Current Location
9094 9128 34 years old
Circumstances of Death
Tortured and killed by Strahd
The Valley
Place of Death
Standing Stones

Character Portrait image: Dat

The Hunger [WIP] CR: 6

Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class:
Hit Points:













Languages: Understands Common, but does not speak
Challenge Rating: 6