Vistani Ethnicity in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Vistani (singular Vistana) are a nomadic group of humans whose livelihood lies in their crafts. Compared to Barovians, they are flamboyant, though to outsiders they are fairly standard. They dress in bright clothing, laugh often, and eat heartily. Though they have made a semi-permanent base in Barovia and have come to feel at home there, they are, for reasons unknown, able to come and go seemingly as they please. For this reason, they are less depressed and despairing than the native Barovians.   They are family-oriented and close-knit, and while they are welcoming to any outsiders and love to ask plenty of questions, they are often reticent and secretive about themselves. They are quick to act when their own are in danger, and look harshly on any Vistana who don't do their best to protect one another. To be exiled is the worst fate a Vistana can imagine, for they lose all of their family ties and are barred from traveling with their family caravan ever again.  

Vistani Lore

The Vistani know or believe certain facts about themselves and their surroundings. This common lore is summarized here:   Strahd Von Zarovich:
  • Strahd comes from a noble bloodline. He died centuries ago, yet endures as an undead, feasting on the living. Barovians refer to him as "the devil Strahd."
  • Strahd has taken many consorts, but he has only one true love: a champion from centuries passed named Tatyana. (The Vistani do not know what happened to her.)
  • Strahd named his castle, Ravenloft, for his beloved mother Branwen who adored the birds. Strangers aren't welcome to the castle without invitation.
The land of  Barovia:
  • Strahd conquered this land centuries ago, and named it Barovia after his late father. He uses wolves, bats, and unholy creatures to spy on his domain.
  • Barovia are simple, frightened folk. Some have old souls, but many do not. The soulless ones are easy to spot, for they know nothing but fear. They have no charm, hope, or spark, and they don't cry.
  • The Old Svalich Road (which some simply call the Old Road) passes through Strahd's domain. Three settlements lie on the road like bats on a string: Krezk to the west, Vallaki in the heart of the valley, and Barovia to the east. Strahd has agents in each settlement.
  • There's an old windmill on the road between the village of Barovia and the town of Vallaki. It is to be avoided, and the women who live within it are not to be trusted.
  • It is wise to stick to the roads. Wild men, wayward ghosts, and wolves hunt the Svalich Woods.
  • The souls of those who die in Barovia do not go to the afterlife. They are trapped in Strahd's domain, his playthings for eternity.
Beliefs and Superstitions:
  • Some Vistani are blessed with prescience. Even those not born to us, but who come to our fold, may be gifted with it. Of those, Madame Eva is the greatest we've ever known.
  • The future of a Vistana cannot be divined.
  • Vistani curses are potent, but they are invoked with great caution. To curse one who is undeserving of such punishment can have grave consequences for the one who uttered the curse.
  • Ravens carry lost souls within them, so killing one is bad luck.
  • We serve one who demands great sacrifice from us. We are his eyes to the world, and are blessed by the distinction, but we are just that. We are forbidden to interfere with the great affairs of the world, directly or indirectly. (This will not be revealed to any non-Vistani under any circumstances.)

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Amita, Manisha, Nisha, Puja, Rachana, Ratna, Shanta, Tara, Usha

Masculine names

Arjuna, Ashok, Ganesha, Indra, Lal, Madhava, Niraj, Rajiv, Suraj, Surya

Unisex names

Chandra, Jyoti, Hira, Kiran, Laxmi, Ratna

Family names

Begam, Das, Joshi, Sharma, Singh


Common Dress code

Vistani are recognizable instantly, not only for their colorful dress, which is tightly cuffed at the ankle, wrist, and neck, but also by their facial coverings. All adult Vistani veil the lower half of their face with colorful patterned masks that cover them from ear to ear. The veils don't hang loosely around their necks, and are instead cut so that they lie flat against the underside of the chin and are tied at the back of the head. Their hair is elaborately braided, and it is impossible to find which ribbons tie their veil among the multitude of decorations they braid into their hair.

Major organizations

All Vistani are members of The Eyes, an extremely secretive religious order.
Related Locations

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