Barovia Valley Geographic Location in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Barovia Valley

Nestled deep in the mountains of the now-dissolved country of Svitar was a valley. Though the land and cold were harsh, the people were content, if not a bit sarcastic. Though the country of Svitar worshiped The Morning Lord, the inhabitants of the valley also paid tribute to a smaller, local deity that granted them protection and contentment as the rest of the country became embroiled in political tensions that eventually boiled over into a bitter war.   Eventually, the war came to the valley, and it was Strahd Von Zarovich who defended his ancestral home from invaders. Victory came at a high price, however, and the lord as well as the land were cursed.


Barovia is a heavily forested valley nestled between two mountains. Five bodies of water and two rivers provide enough for the wildlife to thrive even despite the isolation and lack of true sunlight.

Localized Phenomena

The mists surrounding Barovia are extremely heavy and impossible to see through even by magical means. Any creature that ends a turn in the fog must succeed a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion, which cannot be removed while the creature remains in the fog. No matter how a creature attempts to navigate the fog, they will always find their way back to Barovia.   The sun never fully shines in Barovia. Even during the day, the sky is dimmed by a thin layer of clouds. Barovian daylight is bright light, yet it isn't considered sunlight for the purpose of effects and vulnerabilities.


The Valley was once part of the county ruled by the Von Zarovich Family in the country of Svitar. It was the birthplace of the woman Branwen, who went on to marry Count Barov and become the Countess Von Zarovich.   During the Terg Invasion of Svitar, Strahd von Zarovich called for a retreat to his matrilineal ancestral home. Though the heads of the family perished, the eldest and youngest sons made it safely. Strahd was able to beat off the invaders and secure the valley alone as a safe haven.   Strahd dealt with dark and mysterious powers, however, and his dealings doomed the rest of the valley in turn. When Strahd rose from the dead after being killed by his late brother's beloved, the valley was enshrouded in cloud and mist, and became a Demiplane of Dread.


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