Baxter Jevon Oran Baggs


Baxter Jevon Oran Baggs was born in Artesia, New Mexico. His parents' murder led him to eventually leave Artesia in search of a family. Baxter moved to a new town but soon left. Why he left no one knows. But he did appear in Clermont Ridge. After appearing, his life changed. The mayor and sheriff saw that he was just unlucky and down. It was they who heard about Baxter's parents being murdered right after high school. And they knew it was time for giving, for kindness.   Their kindness helped Baxter. Baxter began his life anew.   Unknown to Baxter, there was more to himself than he knew!  

Physical Appearance

Baxter Baggs is a Caucasian Male. His height is 5’ 7.45” in Imperial Standards and 171.32 in Metric Standards. His weight is about 160 pounds (72.57 kilograms). He is considered, at least in the gay community, a twunk.  


Baxter starts out being a young Human who goes through childhood and in later years, comes to be a big brother to many children. Even going as far as providing testimony in child custody cases. His loving sprit and his early-grownup logic led him to become someone they trust and confide in. The adults see him working part-time and volunteering. His humility and kindness did not go unnoticed! People spoke of him as a terrific example as an honest, positive influence of society. And many expected great things after Baxter graduated high school. They knew that Baxter had a bright future!   When his parents died, Baxter received such a massive support of the community that he thanked each family or leader in person. He was given a free stone for his parent’s grave because of his work throughout the town.   Becoming rich did not change his humble background. What it did was open up opportunities for him to use his wealth, opportunities that spread his money to be of assistance to any cause which needed it.   Most rich people or royalty (in popular culture) are normally portrayed as self-centered, egotistical, narcissistic, and completely detached from the lower-class citizens. But Baxter is completely the opposite.   At his core, his gifts of love and hope for others are what propel him forward and give him reason to live each day. His loyalty to both serving Humankind and his loyalty to the Mystical Community are part of his core being.   Baxter takes the work-life balance, also known as work-play balance, seriously as he wants to remain at the optimal condition to be who he was chosen to be.   As a grieving survivor of murder, Baxter is hesitant to outright call the killer, evil in the cruelest sense of the world. Does Baxter forgive him? Not for the act but does so to find peace. Baxter did ask the judge to sentence the killer to an appropriate amount of time in a medium security jail. The judge didn't have a history with Baxter personally. Although he knew Baxter from the Family and Youth Court Judge and from many members of the community.   The judge, himself with kids, knew they loved him. Baxter had treated them well. And so, he extended the same courtesy to Baxter. Not that he wouldn't. He and his family also attended the funeral.  

Wealth and Fame

Baxter gained his wealth by finding what was left of the gold in the Old Thompson Family Mine. Now how much is not known. And although most people think fame and wealth are the same. This isn't the case for Baxter. His fame only happened because he wanted to help his newfound community.   As Baxter later stated in a newspaper interview, "I wrote a book. I wrote about my incredible luck. It allowed me to give back. To return what was given."   And he never really wanted life in the spotlight! Nor the credit! He only spent time in the spotlight for the town. It was also after the wealth Baxter acquired that he freely gave the town money. This helped to enhance both the town's and Baxter's image.   At the same time Baxter gave some money to the town, he also built his mansion in Clermont Ridge. On his huge property, there is a grand mews. It is here that he has several carriages stored (one green, one in Christmas Colors, another in Rainbow/Multi-colored, and maybe some others), and owns some of the finest horses seen in West Texas.   Baxter also owns a huge ranch in Montana.  


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