Belief V. Disbelief Military Conflict in Your Inner Child Series: World Mythology of Ancient Power | World Anvil

Belief V. Disbelief

Merry Christmas, folks! My name is Jangle Bells of the Bell Family. My family is important as we make and tune each bell on Believer-Class Sleighs.   But I am not in the family business. I was one of the few to have been gifted with the power to make Toys from anything. I became a toymaker elf along with my brother, Jingle.   But today I am here at the Institute for Merriness Studies to teach you about belief, both in Christmas Magic and in Ancient Power.   I’ll start with Christmas Magic.   The Christmas Spirit is sustained through Humans and their belief in Love, Hope, Peace, Faith, and Joy. Metaphysical in nature, this spirit is powered by people participating in holiday celebrations, getting stronger as more humans join in the celebrations.   The Human Collective Consciousness (HCC) plays a powerful part in Christmas Magic as it is what sustains this holiday spirit. As it does all spirits. It interacts with all of Creation, those made by God (most living beings) and those of Ancient Power created by Incantus and Isis Mystic.   In Auld Lang Syne, the humans and those in the mystical community lived side-by-side in Harmony.   Santa Claus had to depend on Ancient Power until Christmas Magic took off.   All the traditions and customs came over time adding more power to Christmas as a holiday.   However, they soon come to love Christmas as this holiday is for families and friends spending time together as well as gift exchanges.   Then Christmas blossomed.   Humans believed and were more connected then.   Then humans developed. They also fought. That also meant less room for believing what they eventually called “childish delusions”.   Ancient Power was born way before Christmas started. But somehow Christmas endured. Ancient Power did not. Least not to the same level it had been.   A long time ago, the Ley Lines were filled with power. Basically, dormant now. Very little going through. If recharged, they should work again. And yet we know this may not happen.   Q: Are you old enough? A: Dear Child, I am only centuries old. But my great-great grandfather lived in Heathdorei Allanar Shflenor. He came when Nicholas appeared in the city. And while he has died, my grandfather remembers all tales of his grandfather.   Q: Jangle, does our holiday cheer go to the Spirit-O-Meter? A: I suppose so. But certainly, humans do. It’s how we power our wonderful realm. Last it was and the Christmas Eve Flight.     Q: We use the Northern Polar Wind Co. now? A: If that’s what you want to call the winds of all winter deities!   Q/E: Jangle, what if Ancient Power returns? Would we have the power we need? Could we go back to how things were? Would we be closer to world peace? Harmony and Unity on Earth?   A/J: What is your name, dear one?   E: Elizabeth “Beth” Holly, cousin of Victoria Mistletoe   J: I see! Nobody knows. It could return or not. We have the power now. Magically though, probably. Maybe, I don’t know. Maybe, I don’t know. Why are you so curious?   E: I want to know. Even if it may not happen. You know, just in case it does. I am simply a seeker of knowledge and wonderer of what-ifs.   I am leaving but Jingle will come talk about hate tomorrow.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


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