Elias Roy Disney

Magic called me! It needed me! I have always felt it around me. I’ve believed in Ancient Power since I was young. I may not have powers but I know what my dreams have been saying! – Elias trying to convince his parents one last time.
Elias Roy Disney is a famous Human explorer and author of Ancient Power in the New High Age of Ancient Power. His books are used by the University of King Arthur’s Mystical Studies to help educate their students. They are also included in the collections of The Bibbdi-Bobbdi-Boo State Library of Ancient Power.   His great-grandparents are Walter Elias Disney and Lilian Marie Disney.   Elias has created several guides for people seeking to understand and comprehend all the “elements” of Ancient Power.  

Guides by Elias Roy Disney

The Realm of Ancient Power on Earth Guide   The Valley of Christmas Spirit Guide   Understanding Ancient Power’s Collective Congress   A Guide to the Realm of Mystic Isles   A Guide to the Ever-Wellspring Mystic Realm   The Book of Royalty and of Honor   The Guide to Ancient Power's Buildings: Ancient Mystic Life Grand Center of Operations, Ancient Power Archives, King Arthur’s University of Ancient Mystical Studies, and The Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo State Library of Ancient Power   Understanding The Multi-Realm Assembly of Mystic Life   Understanding The Multi-Realm Cooperation of Noel Spirit and Magic on Earth.   Claus-Verse, What is it?


Elias Roy Disney was born into a world renewed with magic with a most pure soul. Elias has the gentle, kind, intelligent, and compassionate personality one would expect from a human. As a male, he also has the stubbornness of most males. Elias may have Walt's passion for creativity and also his curiosity but carrying a legacy causes his self-esteem and self-confidence to be lower.   Elias grew up believing who a person's parents are doesn't make children responsible for the legacy of the parents (who a person's parents are doesn't make them who they are).   Elias also doesn't enjoy small communities. He doesn't even enjoy staying in one place.   Most believe that's his young spirit yearning for adventure, for seeing a whole new world.   Unlike his predeccesors, Elias is also interested in writing.    


Born as the only great-grandson of Walter “Walt” Elias Disney, he was born shortly after the blast of magic in June of 2020. Minutes to hours after Angela was born.   Elias grew up in a new world. His family hadn’t much a clue how to raise him in this world. But they tried and succeeded. While the adults were still discovering how to live in this new age, all children came out better than most pre-2020.   Elias never went to university.   Instead, he chose to follow the voices that said, "Find us!". But his parents, his entire family, were scared for him. They know nothing. Why send their son out?   But Elias told them that he needed to do this. On Christmas Day, his family told him he could go. They give their blessing.   Come Spring, they still felt scared not knowing anything about this new world. Thoughts raced through their head. And yet still hoped their son would stay safe out there beyond the front door. But they supported him as their love knows no bounds.   They watch as he leaves from the security of the known into the unknown and new world beyond it. All pray to the gods, not sure who exists anymore, as maybe one could help him, guide him, and ensure his safety and his well-being. From then, Ancient Power guided him to many nodes in the US. Elias went back home whenever he was close by and always sent letters detailing his early adventures. Even while in Europe, he took time to write home. He did manage to return home for Christmas and Thanksgiving every year.   His parents eventually felt the world is good and then didn’t worry too much after. But his parents didn’t expect what happened next!   Elias returned to Europe before his birthday. And it was soon after he turned 25 and met the leaders in Heathdorei Allanar Shflenor. The leaders talked to him as he actually had a mystical aura around him. When they learned about his family, it turns out that Disney is one of the families entrusted with secrets from the world beyond the veil. The others, besides royal families, are not revealed. It was this meeting that led to him meeting all the Guardians. Baxter, as the only one from America, left him feeling like he knew what wanted to do with his life. Elias returns to his family.   He explains what the leaders told him.   The leaders had explained a family secret, long forgotten by the descendants of Walt Disney himself. The Disney Family is one of the ancient families blessed with True Heart and also knowledge of Ancient Power. Although it may not have been passed down which is why The Congress explains it to Elias.  
It is a fact that each park across the world has magical energy collectors not only for Santa but for mystical beings of Ancient Power. The biggest is at Disneyland’s Magic Kingdom and WDW’s Magic Kingdom. All of them are underneath the castle.
  After each discovery, Elias is tasked with traveling to that realm and gathering personal experiences for a book. He actually takes it a step further and creates three book based on the councils (The Collective Congress, Gaurdians, and one based on his interactions with the gods). The realms he visits, then writes a book about, include Mystic Isles and The Mystical Realm of Ancient Power.
Year of Birth
2020 CE/AD
Aligned Organization


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