Children of the Wheel

Children of the Wheel, a polytheistic neopaganism religion, is a new religion from the grounds of what Humans thought they knew. It is dedicated to the preservation of Unity and Harmony between the Earthly Realm of Ancient Power AKA Mystical Family of Ancient Power and Humanity. This includes a more peaceful world of love, freedom, health and prosperity for all sentient beings.   It is also dedicated to the revival of the worship of The Old Gods.   Before this spiritual awakening of paganism revived, many were Christians. Magic returned and all had to rethink what they thought they knew. It was only a sliver of actuality. All take their own religious background and set it aside. While many Christians and Jews also stay Christian and Jew, other religions and religious teachings no longer hold all the sway.   This religious movement comes to pass when Ancient Power comes back and opens their eyes. The winds of change have come!   And oh, what glorious Light it brings to all Life!   For many adults, their faith is shaken up by magic existing and have to come to terms. This new foundation is created when all believe in things thought to be "childish delusions". With new eyes opened, they do believe.   Kids, even teenagers, believe more than adults. While teenagers have some trouble, those with younger siblings are easily adjusting to the new reality.  

The Fold

Coming into the fold is easy when the eys and heart open to the belief in things not thought possible.   People of all ages have come into the fold. Adults have come back again after being lost. It doesn't matter what age someone is. Many people, from children to adults to the elderly, all come into the fold. Families have come together.   Whole communities have come in unison to bridge the gap between their own religious practices and what Ancient Power needs from us. They now often worship Mother Earth and all gods. Many of them are ultra-pagan for many use the encyclopedias to call out to multiple gods for whatever they need.   These gods may not be getting strength and power from offerings or any of the old ways but because many people believe in them, they now receive strength and power a differerent way.  
For the sheep not in this fold may return, welcome them just as each of you have come and been welcomed. Light and Life to all!!   And to all Goodness and Light may reign! - normal call and response ending of the worship


The Light Faction

The Faction of Light is the biggest faction where Good seeks to harmonize between and within both the Human and Mystical Worlds. It seeks out in spreading Love and Hope, suppressing Hate, and changing the world for the better. The Light Faction uses holidays and such to bring about Unity and Harmony.   Children of the Wheel are part of this faction.   The Darkness does the complete opposite of the Light.  

Magic as Extra-Depth/Belief and Gods

As far as Magic, these people believe it exists.   The followers believe that the fabric of the universe is created or stabilized by what people in it believe.   They believe that all enchanted entities have a sub-consciousness courtesy of the Human Collective Consciousness (HCC), acting as energies that interact with mortals/humans and supernatural beings. None of them are conscious self-aware yet. They believe that The Spirit of Ancient Power is the spiritual sub-consciousness of Humans believing in Ancient Power and most holiday spirits are sub-spirits of this one.   These people also believe that Ancient Power was created by Gods, specifically gods of magic who created this magic system and who they believe exist as real beings. All metaphysical beings (all gods are real; those of Ancient Power are real as well even if they haven’t physically shown up).   These people believe Love, Hope, and Goodness will reign over The Dark Magic's Spirit.  

Ley Lines

All followers believe that Ley Lines exist.   They also believe Ancient Societies were somehow more attuned than we are to these power lines running through the landscape and built their monuments directly on top of these sacred pathways. And they believe that these lines were once filled with power, now only dormant.  

The Northern and Southern Lights - (Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis or simply the Aurorae)

The followers believe the lights are sisters, metaphysical manifestations and each a queen of their own “realm”. The followers believe the brightness reflected the connection between Humans and the environment and magic. With the lights still seen but not as bright, this only reflects this belief.  

Guardians as Mystical Beings and Leaders

While the Guardians are not worshipped, they are held in high esteem by the worshippers as the First Powerful Beings Known to Man who didn’t create this religion, just gave it a foundation and allowed it to blossom.   That may not be eaxctly true. They did create the religious organization. They jsut won't admit it publicly.   The Guardians approve this because it is creating more power for Ancient Power.  

Children of the Wheel Members

What to call members of the Children of the Wheel?   They prefer to call themselves Brethren in Fellowship with Ancient Power or Children of Ancient Power. Although they do accept brothers and sisters, the Children of the Wheel flock, followers of the wheel of Ancient Power, Believers of Ancient Power, and those faithful to Ancient Power. Any or all is acceptable to them. They are all of these and so use all of them.  

Worship Center

It is time to reveal where these people worship.   Nemeta is the overarching word. Whether it a a sacred space (nodes for example) or if it is a cave or actual physical buildings resembling a temple or a church, the word is Nemeta. Buildings may use Nemeta Temple or House.  

Why Children of the Wheel?

Why is the polytheistic neopaganism religion called Children of the Wheel?   Children basically because belief begins in childhood and because it fits what they are, followers of a religion.   The Wheel alludes to the polytheistic neopaganism calendar of Europeans.  
The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, observed by a range of modern pagans, marking the year's chief solar events (solstices and equinoxes) and the midpoints between them. British neopagans popularized the Wheel of the Year in the mid-20th century, combining the four solar events ("quarter days") marked by many European peoples, with the four seasonal festivals ("cross-quarter days") celebrated by Insular Celtic peoples. Different paths of modern Paganism may vary regarding the precise timing of each celebration, based on such distinctions as the lunar phase and geographic hemisphere.   Observing the cycle of the seasons has been important to many people, both ancient and modern. Modern pagan festivals that rely on the Wheel are based to varying degrees on folk traditions, regardless of actual historical pagan practices. Some Wiccans use the term sabbat (/ˈsæbət/) to refer to each festival. - Taken for Wikipedia - "The Wheel of the Year"
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Children of Ancient Power
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