Father Time

Father Time is the first Guardian of the Guardians of Childhood who is the personification and embodiment of time keeping watch over its’ flow. His realm is a dimensional plane outside of the mortal realm.   He is the son of Primordial God Kronos and is the co-leader of the group. He has been around for thousands of years, maybe a few million. His first name may be Ombric.   He is sometimes an older white male. However, he can return back to a youthful appearance. And he is norally seen with an hourglass in his hand. He is connected to the New Year. He may also have children or time-themed workers.     Temporal Source: Be the source of some or even any/all time, so that as long as they exists, time does as well. This allows them to have an emotional link to every timeline there may be.   Temporal Lordship: Father Time has absolute authority and control over time, the continuous progress of existence and events. He can control time itself and all things linked to it to a limitless degree.   Chronoscience “Omniscience of Time or Temporal Omniscience”: Father Time knows everything about time and everything related to it. As such, they know everything within time, and what lies within, and around it. The user knows everything when it comes to time because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how time is supposed to be work.   Time Manipulation (Ultimate Level): Father Time controls the continuum of time itself. The user is a protector and keeper of the fabric of time. Unlike Temporal Entity Physiology, the user doesn't become a temporal being of a higher existence, but merely a protector that oversees time and is in charge of keeping its flow in check. However, they acquire special abilities that allow them to control all aspects of time in order to make sure all events within it are in their proper place.   Time Embodiment: As the embodiment of time, he has full control of the flow of time.
Current Residence
Realm of Time
Aligned Organization


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