Letter to Nicholas: Nicholas POV

  HO! HO! HO!   Merry Christmas!   Come sit! You’ll want to hear about a letter. We thought it would be fun to talk about a letter I received.   I was in Heathdorei Allanar Shflenor. We hadn’t left yet. In fact, we were planning what my realm was going to look like. And I enjoyed creating what became Santa's Toy Workshop Compound.   Little did I know that I would be getting presents. Father Time and Mother Nature discovered some things covered in The Great Hall of Heathdorei Allanar Shflenor. First it was the slieghs and harnesses for multiple reindeer teams. It was also at this time (over the two day period) that Nicholas's Ancient Magic Staff and Amulet and Staff of Christmas Spirit I and Amulet were also given. With these were books for Santa Claus. And a carpet bag for the books.   Amongst the second days's presents, a letter for me but nobody else has read it (well, not back then). I knew for years what it said. Nobody else knows the extent of what it said.   I thought it was written by the gods. Moreso, Noel-Incantus was the one who was thought to have written it. The Species Leaders thought one of them had written it. But all denied it.   Who wrote it then?   Was it Noel-Incantus or Clement Caleb Noel and Anya Clara Noel?  

The Truth Revealed - *SPOILERS AHEAD*

Clement, with help from Anya. wrote the letter. Noel-incantus did put Clement in charge of making and delivering for the person who would become Santa Claus. Clement sensed a presence filled with would be termed "The Spirit of Christmas". How he did and what made his attention turn towards this person is not known.   Once Clement sensed them, he found out it was a Human Male. Noel-Incantus sensed it too. He left the Ever-Wellspring for Chrismas Isle. The only time Noel-Incantus was on the isle after creating it. Noel-Incantus helped with the delivery.   Yes, they knew Nicholas as the person they sensed. And eventaully knew he would be Father Christmas (Mantle of Santa Claus).   Once all was delivered, a letter (now known to be penned to Clement) was found by Nicholas.  

Letter Itself

Dear Nicholas,   You don't know me. But I created your gifts. I hope you find them pleasing. Now, being properly equipped, you can begin your life as whom you were meant to be. You will do well. I feel it!   I will tell you this. I too am of (or rather what will become) Christmas. I live elsewhere though. I will follow you. I have been waiting for this day! Maybe we will meet one day. Maybe. As I watch you so too does multiple friends.   You, the other Guardians, and the Species Leaders are doing just fine. No issues whatsoever.   As you begin your destined path, I shall continue to send blessings your way. But maybe you'll also get some surprises. I might have some future surprises. Until then, I wish you great health and happiness.   Your Dear Friend,   A Christmas Being
Text, Letter


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