Mantle of Santa Claus

Who is Santa Claus

Santa Claus (AKA Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Jolly Old St. Nicholas, or just St. Nick) is a legendary and benevolent magical Gift-Giver who brings Joy and Hope to children on Earth. This makes him a Holiday Entity.   Santa Claus lives at The North Pole with elves, reindeer, and a wife. His toy workshop is sometimes a compound and other times, a city. His home is often powered by Holiday Happiness (Christmas Magic).  

Santa as Chosen Guardian

In some media, Santa Claus is an individual who has lived for hundreds of years. In others, he is not an individual but rather a continuum of men (rarely women) who inherit the Santa Claus/Father Christmas Mantle.   They are also often chosen. By what is not known. A god or the Spirit of Christmas maybe. Or something else possibly. Sometimes a previous bearer.   This previous bearer may be limited in how much time they are Santa Claus and so they need to find someone to take over. Or it is just that multiple men, by accident or design, called into the position.   This heir would have to have the Christmas Spirit and willingness to take over the job. There may be some time when both are together so the heir can learn about being Santa.  

Santa as the Son and Heir to Throne

Santa Claus is a position/title that’s passed from father to son. It is known that The Clauses are Royalty of Christmas as declared in The Book of Claus and Christmastime, an ancient tome of laws. In there, it goes on to say that if they have multiple children then the eldest son (Male Primogeniture) becomes Santa.   If there are no sons, Santa may choose a successor or let his eldest daughter be Santa. Whichever it is, the children are trained to inherit the mantle.  

Royal Objects of Christmas

The Royal Objects of Christmas refers to these items of significance important to Christmas Eve (the Christmas Sleighs, Santa’s Bag, the Santa Suits, reindeer equipage, and others).   Santa’s Suit is often also said to be made from the coat the original St. Nicholas wore all those years ago. This is the Royal Regalia of Claus and Christmas. The dress Mrs. Claus wears is green to her husband’s red suit.   Santa’s Toy Bag (and the other names it goes by) is said to be from Jesus’s swaddling cloth. And there’s another legend that says it is a magical bag created for Santa Claus by immortal beings.   The First Christmas Sleigh was said to be made from wood of a magical forest somewhere.  

Christmas Magic/Holiday Happiness

Christmas Magic is an infinitely powerful force derived from the enchanted Spirit of Christmas. It is responsible for Santa’s Mission continually being successful on Christmas Eve.   Christmas Magic is a natural resource created by human nature and it is itself a consciousness or living intelligent entity. The magic entity can act on its own and withdraw its support at any time. A subtype is "reality as the consensus", where the fabric of the universe is created or stabilized by what people in it believe.   Example: Everyday acts of Love and Hope and Peace/Human Collective Consciousness and Enchanted Spirit of Christmas   Christmas Magic is often combined with Christmas Spirit (often one and the same). Whichever you refer to it as, the explanation is that Humans spread Love, Joy, Hope, and Peace which makes the magic of Christmas.   Many people know that believing in themselves, spending time with loved ones and going out to spread kindness and love shows they care and it is this that makes the holiday special.   The Spirit of Christmas is part of The Human Collective Consciousness (HCC) as a Holiday Spirit. This spiritual network of the deep sub-consciousness of humankind that endures as everyday acts of Love and Joy and Hope, both big and little, that become mystical energy to power the North Pole Kingdom and Santa’s Flight around the Globe on Christmas Eve.   Christmas Magic is used by Santa’s Staff or Scepter. This and any other objects are often known as talismans. The Santa Claus Position is often seen as Nicholas with a scepter/staff or amulet. This is because he accesses the Christmas Spirit through his staff/scepter and other magical objects.  

Powers of Santa Claus

Santa Claus has many powers granted to him by The Powers That Be AKA God of Christmas. These powers allow him to complete his task every year. There are various powers all from Christmas Magic.  

Guardian Powers

Immortality: As Ruler of Christmas Spirit, Santa Claus cannot die by any conventional means that would kill a human nor a lower-level immortal. He is the manifestation of Christmas.   Nigh Omniscience: Santa knows a lot about the children and their families as he sees them all and makes sure children behave all year long.   Omnilingualism: “The Gift of Universal Translation” allows Santa to speak, write, understand and communicate in any language with little or no training. This includes allowing him to understand the speech or emotions of animal life forms.   Magic Detection/Sense “Third-Eye View or Remote Viewing”: Through the mystical sense of second sight or remote viewing, Santa has the ability to detect sources from other supernatural entities and mystical items. This perception allows others to see friendlies or enemies or unknowns. They can also detect hidden places or objects as well.   User can sense the presence of magic/magical energies and possibly gain detailed understanding about the magic/magical energies they are sensing, including the amount/size of magic/magical energies they are sensing and whether they are hidden.   Location Analysis: As a sub-ability of Magic Sense, Baxter and others can analyze locations for signs of magic usage and beings. They can also detect portals if they are forming or dissipating with this ability.  

Both As Guardian and Santa Claus

Time Travel: Santa Claus can open portals to travel through space and time. Most of the time, it is reserved for Christmas Eve. He doesn’t always exclusively use it on that day.   The Gift of Invisibility: This gift allows Santa the ability to render him and/or the sleigh invisible to the naked eye when he enters the Land of Men. Sometimes used on Christmas Eve.  

Christmas Powers

Noel Magi-Ergokinesis: The Magic of Christmas is created by the hopes and loving hearts of the mortals each year. It is absorbed by Noel Crystals then it is used to supply all the mystical power throughout the Noel Realm.   This additional form of power also powers Santa’s Christmas Eve Flight. Obtaining it used to be hard. Now, the Human Collective Consciousness (HCC) is more powerful and humankind brings their power now as well.   Christmas Spirit and Belief Manipulation and Empowerment: This power, also called Christmas Eve Affinity – “Song of Christmas”, strengthens Humans (Mortals) to believe in hope, Joy, love, faith, and peace. It also is a sub-power of Noel Magi-Ergokinesis.   Noel Magic Intuitive Aptitude “Christmas Spirit and Magicology Mastery” “Noel Holiday Magic Mastery”: This ability gives Santa an instant and innate understanding of Ancient Power on Earth, his newfound powers and job responsibilities. Santa is made a master of his holiday magic.   Gift of Empathic Navigation: This gift looks into children’s hearts to see how they truly are. With other information gathered, this allows Santa to make his list. This allows him to see if they are only traumatized or are truly evil. If evil, he prays for their soul. It is used to also let them know when a child is needing some Christmas Cheer.   Creation of Holiday Helpers “Christmas Elves” Empowerment: Nicholas can make an elf or any living being Christmas Elves who help him every year make toys and care for his reindeer and sleighs. When one is a Christmas Elf, they form a powerful alliance with Santa where they assist him with whatever he needs. A Christmas Elf is blessed with skills and talents from magic bestowed in Santa Claus while still retaining their original abilities. Toy Manipulation/Creation: Santa Claus can create, shape and manipulate any sort of toys, including construction sets, dolls, vehicles, puzzles, active play toys (such as hoops, balls, Frisbees, etc.)   The Gift of Flight (via any sleigh pulled by flying creatures, traditionally a reindeer-pulled sleigh): Santa has this gift through the use of flying reindeer and other species who are able to fly. All of Santa’s Reindeer have the natural ability to fly. Their flying comes from their belief within.   Chariot Riders Aptitude and Vehicle Mastery: Father Christmas is well-known for his aptitude for driving a flying sleigh in the sky. This mastery or expertise is from Noel Magic Intuitive Aptitude.   Reindeer Companionship/Bonding: Santa’s Herd of Christmas Reindeer have formed an alliance with him and are his friends. He and his elves understand them in a caring way.   Gift of Entry on Christmas Eve: Nicholas can enter all buildings on Christmas Eve. Therefore, children will not worry if they will be able to receive their presents. This is an exclusive ability for December 24th.   Winter Weather Magic: Nicholas is able to create snow on rooftops for his sleigh, start a snowstorm or blizzard, or perform any other thing utilizing the season of winter to do what he wishes.  


Original Characters and Companions
Magical, Honorific
Form of Address
Father Christmas, Leader of Christmas


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