Mother Nature

Mother Nature is the second known Guardian of the group. She is the co-leader, “The First Queen of Ancient Power”, of the group. Her mother is Goddess Gaea/Gaia. Mother Earth is used as a nickname for them both.   As the embodiment/personification of nature, her mood and emotional shifts may cause destruction. Her big family is made up of her children, some of which are from Father Winter. These children all represent different natural phenomena (Earthquake, Rain, Thunder and Lightning (twin brothers), the Tides (twins), Tornado, Hurricane, and the Winds, Heat Miser and Cold Miser (brothers).   Her children with Father Winter include Cold Miser, Miss Snow, Blizzard, Snowflake and North Wind. She is also millions of years old.   Her realm is a dimensional plane like Father Time’s Realm.     Nature Derivation: As “The Source of All Nature”, Mother Nature binds the whole planet and is given total dominion over all the powers of nature, the environment and the elements.     Nature Mastery/Sovereignty: Mother Nature has absolute power and authority and control over nature itself, all of its inhabitants and anything and everything that dwells within it. Domains of nature such as the sky, land, and sea are all under her control.     The Living Nature: Known also as Nature Personification, she is the physical manifestation or personification of nature: as such, they have total control over the forces of nature. Nature Omniscience or Nature’s Mind: She knows everything about ecosystems, nature, the environment and everything related to it.     Life Connection: She is connected to /all life and living things, so that as long as she exists life does as well. She is emotionally and spiritually linked to all plants and animals (all forms of life) and is pained when they are, sad when they die, and happy for new life and new growth.     Life Manipulation: Mother Nature is able to manipulate life, a characteristic that distinguishes physical entities that have biological processes though is still a mostly indefinite concept. This includes life creation and destruction.     Nature Unity AKA One With Nature: Mother Nature, as the sovereign of Planet Earth, is one with it. She senses all emotions and destruction and life-giving from plants and animals and from her own mother, The Earth Itself.     World Connection/Bond: Mother Nature has a deep physical, mental, emotional and spiritual connection with the world (Gaea, her own mother) and everything in it including all its countless lifeforms.
Current Residence
Metaphyiscal Realm of Nature or within Gaea
Aligned Organization


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