The Dark Magic's Spirit

The Spirit of Dark Magic is a magical God-level force/entity. It feeds on people’s doubts and despair. It is a huge enemy of Ancient Power, overseeing all attacks on it to cause doubt and despair. These are aimed at Humans to ensure Humans doubt magic and magical things actually exist. It also works on magical beings to ensure they cannot use magic by creating doubt and despair in themselves.   The Spirit of Dark Magic is not known to be male or female.   While it is not The Darkness AKA Erebus, Erebus is considered to be one step- grandparent. Chaos is another step-grandparent to Dark Magic’s Spirit.   The family is certainly not one of Aether’s. But as too does Aether have a place on Earth, so too does Erebus and therefore Dark Magic’s Spirit.   It is said that the whole history of Humankind, this ancient Spirit has been there spreading great disbelief and despair and causing much Hate, Greed, War and Destruction to be spread. The Spirit, guilty for the actions it has done, doesn't regret them and is possibly considered more atrocious than Humanity’s wickedness.   The Dark Magic Spirit has plenty of minions and people willing to serve it. Some people do not realize they’re serving it. Yet they do. Although a hierarchy has not been firmly established, there is one.  


The Spirit of Dark Magic is one of pure evil. Full of Hate, Despair, and everything considered evil, The Spirit is filled with Erebus’s dark personality.  


Cosmic beings are entities that exist beyond the physical realm, transcending the boundaries of our material world. These beings are often described as possessing vast, ethereal forms and wielding extraordinary powers that defy the limitations of human understanding. They are believed to exist in higher dimensions, where the laws of physics and the constraints of time and space do not apply in the same way.   While the specific nature and characteristics of these cosmic entities may vary across different belief systems, they are universally regarded as embodiments of the infinite, the mysterious, and the sacred. Their presence is often felt through synchronicities, intuitive insights, and moments of profound spiritual awakening, reminding us of the boundless potential that lies beyond the confines of our physical existence.   Such entities do exist. Such entities may not have a form. Or their form is something like a planet or the sky. If no form, they’re just consciousness. Until they are fully powered and have a form if it does happen.   The Spirit of Dark Magic can best be described as such a being. An ancient being with no form. Yet exisiting in the World of Ancient Power.
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Jul 14, 2024 20:40

This made me really interested in your setting ill have to read through your other articles sometime!

Evie the dragonmagpie
Jul 14, 2024 20:59 by Benard Calvin "Hunter" Hendrick VIII

Thank you so much. I really do appreciate your support.