Dark Litha

Every year, between the 19 and 22 of June, is the Height of Litha/Midsummer in the northern hemisphere. Most humans normally call June 21st the day of Litha, most likely due to us calling the 21st of December Yule. On Litha, Ancient Power is at its' strongest and some must be given back to further preserve it. This is done by the Collective Congress of Ancient Power for they use Litha as a way to thank the Spirit.   It was first lead by Father Time and Mother Nature. It then was and still is led by The Grand High Royalty of Ancient Power.   It is done in Mystic Tongue of Ancient Power while all gather at Mystical Pole Circle. Their ceremony allows them to place Magic back into the Ley Lines and the Mystical Monuments.   You've heard this side, but what about the other side?   They too gather somewhere. Although their location is top-secret. The Dark Spirit's forces of (call it whatever you want) gather as well. They harness the hopelessness, despair, hate, disloyalty, fear, chaos, conflict, anxiety, disbelief, famine and many more.   Where they gather is also a place like the Mystical Pole Circle or a powerful node. But no one of the Light knows their location. While each violent act (crimes against Humanity (from abuse to rape and murder) and wars and the destruction of Nature) charges the Dark Spirit, it isn't strong enough even when Ancient Power isn't on this Earth.   Each act of evil is stored in a Metaninaite Crystal of Ancient Power stored in their own sacred place on Earth. The Dark Spirit knows of a staff out there somewhere which will help make him ulimate ruler of all Ancient Power. But he can't sense it.   This staff, The Staff of Unspeakable Evil, is the staff that would help cement Dark Magic's conquest of conquering the Light Side and controlling all of Ancient Power. However, it is now considered a lost item and ancient relic. Without it, they would have to their hands on anything magical from the Light Side. Not that that would happen!   Even their magical items can be transformed into and wielded by the Dark Spirit's league of monsters and magical villians and evildoers.


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