Toy Storage Waystation Depot

The first warehouse was used in Santa’s Toy Workshop Compound. It held toys, either extras or after they were made, before they were wrapped.   In the The Quarters and Outer Limits or Elfin Village Area, toy warehouses are used to keep toys before they get wrapped. Many of these house extra toys which never get used. It was right before Ancient Power vanished from Earth until it could come back. The new city, Center of Christmas Magic and Spirit City, was built. And Nicholas allowed the village to operate to rid Christmas and Claus Elvesand Christmas and Claus Flyers of their sadness and depression before it came to be a problem. So, Christmas Elves would go home and sleep after Nicholas leaves. Then all would wake and basically return to work. Letter Elves wouldn't do anything and neither would Record Elves so many would make toys or help with reindeer.    
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By the time Ancient Power returned, many warehouses would be filled and soon all were filled. Nicholas, ordered production to halt until space could be opened. And so, elves opened up the workshop to encourage productivity in other ways. Many elves create paintings, jewelry, stained-glass windows, writings, sleighs, or anythng for elves to use or gift.

Warehouse Design

Warehouses were designed to have aisles of shelving and each warehouse was designated for certain toys, made to house that specific toy from the corresponding section in Santa's Workshop.   All eleven sections are as folows; Bikes/Trikes, Sports Equipment, Rubber Duckies, Stuffed Animals, Dolls/Action Figures (GI Joe-esqe or Barbie-esqe dolls), Games (board games and Jacks and similar games), Paint Sets and Artsy Stuff, Toy Sets used for Imagination, Bouncy Balls, Puzzles, and Wooden Toys. Each section has two warehouses.
Warehouse, Commercial
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