Thedas Geographic Location in Ancient Thedas | World Anvil
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Thedas is a large continent spanning from an icy wilderness in the south, over lush plains and forests at its core, to deserts and tropical jungles in the north. Surrounded by oceans it is fairly isolated, and there is no contact to the lands beyond the seas.   For almost a century Thedas has been ravaged by a devastating event called the Blight. It's cause and origin not yet fully explored or proven it is mysterious - and so far, unstoppable, as dark creatures known as darkspawn come crawling from beneath the ground to destroy and taint whatever gets into their way.   The largest nation that covers almost the entire surface of Thedas is the Tevinter Imperium, run by mages who strive for power and built their cities on top of the ruins of the nation of Elvhenan that used to be the rulers of this continent.   In the south of Thedas wild barbarian tribes, such as the Avvar, Chasind and Ciriane fight back against the Imperium's intrusion.
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