Episode 36: The Blade That Was Broken

General Summary

Quest Log fin What is up with that? fin
Investigate the Atlas of Kings Head in a jar
House party at the Beacon House Nightbringer is... stuck?
Find your boat (near the Spire) Frozen 3: Queen Mab's Reign
Find the Pathfinder Praxis is "lost" in the Temerant
Deliver Dawnfire Who was Elias talking to?
Explore the Stone Circles Project Lazarus


House Nightbringer does... something 5 of 8
Ship Prime repair (days) 58 of 113
Vanderlith's airship proficiency (weeks)
Pharos' armor (weeks)
Olette's card proficiency (weeks) 2 of 3
Valan's card expertise (weeks) 1 of 100
Valan's smithing proficiency (weeks) 5 of 10


Amoris 17 to 29, 3033

Leaving the Red Mountains to praise and fanfare, the Flamebringers took to the skies once more, though one crewmember more than they thought they were. In port, evidently Vlask had discovered a new friend, a goblin by the name of Marx, who insisted he was the boatswain and could boss them around as needed to pilot the ship. After some discussion, Pharos brought him in line, deciding that he could boss Vlask around so long as Vlask could boss him around. Vlask also promised to feed and water him, so really it'll be like he isn't even there.  

Castle in the Sky

On almost the first day in the air, the Flamebringers came across a floating castle, called an Aerie, made of marbled clouds that invited them aboard as they crossed paths. Within, they met a cloud giant named Eurial. She welcomed them into her home, offering food an comfort, praising the wandering winds for weaving their journeys together. A devout follower of the Monarch, Eurial and her brothers (Borus, Zephyros, and Notrius) were each sent in similar castles from the High Aerie of Kyrr to study strange rock formations that they believed were affiliated with the gods; indeed, each held an inscribed symbol that matched that of a god, along with some sort of impression one might place a key into—or a divine armament. A Raiment, as she called them.   This is why she is so grateful the Monarch wove their threads of fate together: until now, she has been unable to test her theory, but the lords Flamebringer are known to be in possession of at least four Raiments, and more than capable of obtaining more. At first, the party was hesitant to oblidge; both mistrustful and burdened by a wealth of other tasks. However, upon an observation from Olette, the lords realized that the stone circles that Eurial studied alined with the points outlined in the Atlas of Kings, a coincidence that warrants further investigation.   The two groups exchanged knowledge; the Flamebringers showing Eurial the Atlas and in return Eurial gave them her notes on some of the artifacts. This put them on the trail of the Stranger's Raiment, who was known to be worshipped by the Pathfinders at some point, adding greater weight to their meeting with the Pathfinder. If the winds will it, the Flamebringers will cross paths with the Aerie of Eurial once more and perhaps they can update her on their quest.  

Hello Charles

Haunting in the night, a luminous eye appeared in Valan's window as he slept. Grabbing his gun and going to investigate, Valan sounded the alarm to bring the force of the Flamebringers to bear on whatever monstrocity lurked outside. Cornering it on the roof, it appeared to be none other than Charles; still transformed into a nothik, but recognizable by the tattered remains of a Fulminarian knight's uniform stretched across his chitinous frame.   The Flamebringers corralled him inside into the atrium, where Tyra used their Divine Sight upon him to uncover the means by which he could be healed. First, he needed a modify memory spell to be cast upon him to lock away the forbidden knowledge he obtained. Pharos watched over him so the party could scour the city for a modify memory spell scroll, found in the last moment in a stroke of luck. Then, Tyra cast remove curse on his warped form, peeling back the layers of magic that held him. Finally, Pharos cast greater restoration on the mangled form, aiding the transition process from monster to man. Currently, Charles is sleeping off a hell of a hangover at the Bungalo.  

The Blade That Was Broken

Arriving in Helorix,  Leonidas told the Flamebringers the story of Praxis and Dawnfire Gave it to em Sorry I'll make this better later for now it just had to be done.

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

Deliver Dawnfire - Crushed it


The Silent Soliloquy
Valan Sildurflame
Charles Aurus-Valoric
Tyra Dawnbreaker
8 / 8 HP
Olette Etienne
Report Date
29 Mar 2024


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