The Aurelian Empire

Capitalled out of Helorix, named for the glorious Helis, the sun in which the Monarch dwells, the Aurelian Empire was founded in 2040 by Aurelius Valus when he conquered the kingdoms surrounding Helorix in a quest to unite the continent. He used these annexed or conquered states to march on the rest of the world, and was only slowed with the discovery of magic and the formation of the Fulminarian Empire. The Aurelian Empire stands as the pinnacle of power in most senses of the word; beautiful and rich, it is unrivaled in many if not all frames of judgement.


In the Aurelian Empire Proper, consisting of Helorix, the Aurelian Steppes, and the Aurelian Prairie, Aurelia is split into a feudal structure of government, breaking the land into smaller kingdoms, each of whom report to the emperor, the king of kings. The hierarchy is a loose pyramid structure, with the emperor at the top, followed by the Sovereign, kings, lords, bannerman, and commoners.   Arcanus, Illemnor, and the Rose Protectorate each recognize the authority of the emperor, but govern themselves as described below.

Regions of Aurelia

The Aurelian Steppes

Often called the Breadbasket of Andali, Aurelia Proper holds vast tracts of fertile land in the west central continent. Druids constantly monitor farmland across the rolling planes of golden wheat and food crops. This land is littered with the wreckage of fallen royal houses and Precursor ruins. Though this is true for much of Andali, it is much more prevalent in the Steppes, which lack the foliage that might secret them away beneath mattes of greenery. For this reason, along with the druids and farmers, archeologists and arcane scholars can be found patrolling the countryside, commuting from city to site or in search of new ruins to uncover.

Arcanfield, from its position in the Steppes, is the center of study of Precursor artifacts and lore, though this is hampered by a moratorium of divine decree; for reasons unknown at the behest of unnamed parties, the Archivist has performed an act of Damnatio Memori on the Precursor world. Outside of Strixhaven, Arcanfield's schools of arcane theory and practice are the the most prestigious among those that practice open enrollment of the public.

The Aurelian Prairie

When Emperor Valus arrived on the land that would one day become the Aurelian Prairie, he was faced with an unusual strategic predicament: though the prairie boasted no cities nor bore significant strategic advantage in his persuit of the lands beyond, the nomadic tribes which called the land home would decimate any supply trains he attempted to plot though them and would harry and waylay any plan to found a city on the land. He knew this because of his many failed attempts to undertake both ventures. And so, Aurelius Valus marched to war.

The people of the plains were reknowned for their horsecraft, both in the divine quality of horse that came from Handelberg, the city of horses, and for the skillful art with which they made war from the backs of their equine companions. Between the plains of Aurelia in the west and the plains of what would become Fulminaria in the east, there was an easy alliance of plains dwellers who kept trade and companionship with each other. In the early days of the war, the regimented battalions of young Aurelia were hard pressed to withstand the riders of the plains as they simply rode deeply into the ranks of filed soldiers. Though in these days, both sides were made victim to the whims of the great wyrms which traversed the skies. Ancient dragons which made their homes in the Red Mountainst, flying out over the plains in search of easy prey and finding it in the warring armies.

So, to solve two problems in one, Valus made ally of one to fight against another. Turning naught but one dragon, Barovnir of Avarice, to his cause, he was able to lay waste to the opposing forces. Astride his bronze dragon of the southern shore, he assailed the last fortresses of his enemies in the valley that would one day come to house the Bulwark, and made war in the air with any other dragon rider who would oppose him. Driving off all but the fiercest wyrms, he and Barovnir called an end to their companionship so Valus might stand with his armies as they marched on across the unguarded plains.

In a series of bloody battles which saw the native populace of the plains reduced to near extinction, Valus laid claim to the essential estate that would house his supply lines from the northwestern states, allowing for the manufacture of luxury goods. And in the land to the far northeast, though he lay claim to it, he left undeveloped. For there, the great wyrm Eldfjell who destroyed the first great empire still slept, and Valus did not dare tempt its ire.


In the early days of the world, Arborea rose as a verdant kingdom amongst the Minerva Wood along the western coast of the continent. Ruled by an entmoot, a gathering of the colossal treants upon which the twelve great houses of wood elves made their homes, the people of Arborea lived peaceful lives. This was not because they lacked the means to be a warlike people, but because they chose the path of peace over a life of conquest. For their great defenders the treants were slow to both anger or to mobilize in conflict. When Aurelius Valus first approached the various druid circles of the wood, instead of taking a warlike approach as he had in the north, he brought great gifts and gilded words, promising lineal alliances within his house if they were to join his empire. While the treants were slow to trust as they were with all things, the elves of Arborea agreed heartily.

For many years, the alliance was fruitful. The royal houses of the sun elves in their mountain to the north and the wood elves in their treants to the south made consort of Emperor Valus, crossing the Aurelian line with their own. The high elves of the great city of Falkwood and moon elves of the Sylvawood which surrounds it did not wish to enter marital alliance, but yet still enjoyed the rich culture of art, arcane sciences, and financial vitality that the empire brought to Arborea. And so Arborea was brought under the Aurelian banner.

This harmony was not to last. In the folly of the Omniscent Dawn, the Dark raged rampant across southern Arborea, infesting the wood with the infernal Dark Blight. This rot was the only thing that could lay low the great entmoot, shattering the druid circles and consuming nigh on the entire wood elf race in one night. If not for the intervention of the silvered, mercurial dragon, half the populace of Arborea would have died that night. But instead, the dark elf rose from the ashes of the entmoot, lead by those with the blood of the dragon. Thus Arborea was divided between the northern Sylvawood and southern Gloamwood.

This division gave rise to a conflict between the royal houses of the regions, as questions of Aurelian lineage were levelled at the newly birthed dark elves. The conflict raged for over one hundred years, during which Emperor Valus withheld imperial troops from the region to avoid interferring in the conflict for a time, but ultimately intervened at great expense of the empire to settle the two states. The two regions settled into a simmering peace, remaining a part of the Aurelian Empire but at odds with one another, and Emperor Valus ratified his line within the city of Arcanus.


Upon the Sea of Splendor is the nation of the Sylvawood, Illemnor. Ruled from the Emerald City called Falkwood, Illemnor is a republic run by an elected body of druids who meet monthly in Falkwood to discuss the state of their union. Chancellor of this governing body is Nydali Synfir, a women of iron will who has held office since the Western War. A member of the Twilight Circle, she has proven herself time and again as a prolific statesmen and proficient warrior. Each druid circle does not represent a specific geographical consituency, instead funtioning as a conclave which represents those who work within their given element.

Bestia is made up of mystics and sages who safeguard ancient knowledge and rites through a vast oral tradition. These druids met within sacred circles of trees that call together the beasts of the land to whisper in primal tongues to determine how to ply their wisdoms in a contemporary context. From the Sylvan First Beasts, they have gleaned what will create the strongest shelters. The advisements of Bestia Conclave keep the others grounded in their in their pursuits, calling upon the divine guidance of the Wanderer in times of dire need. Practicioners of druidic traditions, the Bestia Conclave maintains deep connections to the land, be it forest, plain, or sea. They feel that the natural order of the land will provide for what they need, should they act as responsible hosts to its greenspaces. Thus, Bestia Conclave is often found as stewards of the land in the places where they dwell. Ursala Bestiale, the most respected of conclave leaders, is head of the Bestia Conclave.

Based from the mountain kingdom of Leholonh, the Sol Conclave are an indomitable collective of monks who worship at the feet of Leholonh, an ancient couatl that dwells within a cave of the similarly named Leholonh. They reside in divine providence from the couatl that they, and by extension the entirity of Illemnor, stand as the soul guardians of an invaluable Precursor artifact that will one day come to rise as what stands between Andali and the void. They will do whatever it takes to preserve the sanctity of not only the artifact but of Illemnor, not out of care for their fellow Illemnian but of zealous desire for a buffer region between themselves and any would-be attacker. Though the conclave is often perceived as fanatic, they still remain faithful to the state of Illemnor, should even it be with ulterior motives. Their constant vigilance provides a watchful eye under which the rest of Illemnor is able to relax. However, the same ire has now sparked war twice with their Arcanite brethren, and thus the Sol Conclave ever treads the line between careful sentinel and zealous fanatic. They are led by Master N'Eaguwe, dearest to Leholonh.

The Twilight Conclave holds domain over the quiet places of the Sylvawood. Lead mainly in part by the moon elves of Illemnor, the conclave is focused on the caretaking of their connections to the Call through the creation of standing stones and monuments of the like. Members of this conclave are generally magically inclined, and sustain a deeper connection to the Call because of their relationship with the greenspaces of Andali. Juxtaposed to the Wildfyr Conclave, the members of Twilight are soothsayers, proactive rather than reactive members of the republic who lay intricate ideas for the path the state should take. They believe in the natural ebb and flow of life, and interpret the Aurora Totalis for signs as to how they should guide their political stature within Illemnor, as well as their conclave's conduct with their peers. The conclave is lead by Luna Vystra.

The Wildfyr Conclave takes on all aspects in the stateroom as a wildfire does in the forest. they are fiercly dedicated to the furtherment of Illemnian status in the greater Andalian theater and by far burn the brightest and the hottest in their commitment to their state. They are not unknown to start conflicts with their fellow conclaves, but though they may be volatile it is this nature that makes them the most loyal ally, or enemy, of the conclaves. For though they may be boisterious, by entering an engagement with the Wildfyr Conclave, there is no doubt in understanding the grounds by which you stand. And so a wildfire destroys while enriching the land to prepare it for new growth, so too does the Wildfyr Conclave. They are willing and open to embrace change so long as it benefits Illemnor, and will fight with unrelenting fury against that which they deem unworthy of their state. The Wildfyr Conclave is represented by Elias of house Valkyrix, claimant to the throne of the Aurelian Empire by right of blood.


Resting outside the Gloamwood which consumes the southwest corner of the continent is an island, rising out of a great chasm to tower over the waves, Arcanus is the Silvered City of Arctaxia which claims dominion over the Gloamwood. Where the Sylvawood fades to darkness, it enters within the realm of the drow. The dark elves of Arcanus have coaxed the Gloamwood to live up to its name; the forest has high canopies that blot out the sun. Full of bioluminescent mushrooms and dangerous wildlife, the Gloamwood hides sinister shadows. Beneath its canopy, the Dark Blight still stirs, left there by the Night of Silvered Tears many years ago, when the Dark was unleashed upon their land.

Safe in Arcanus, protected by their Rift, the drow do little to quell the darkness that roams outside their walls; they view it as further deterrent to keep their traitorous cousins out of their city. In their isolation beneath the silvered boughs of Argenté, the drow have become masters of artifice, creating great airships that rival even those of the gnomish artisans in the Red Mountains. They excel at their craft and use it to create great works of beauty. Their architecture is the envy of the empire, and their designers are often called abroad to create new works in other parts of the empire. Though the light of Helis is diffused across the many branches of Argenté and does not penetrate the tree, they create great metal gardens within the city to compensate for their lost greenspace, each is the envy of the druids of the Wystwood for their delicate care for which each flower is sung into existence.

Arcanus is ruled by five royal houses, each with a specific role to play in the governance of the city and its surrounding lands. Each house is lead by a Matron or Patron who answers to the High Matriarch. These titles are passed down through matrilineal lines and each position is held for a lifetime term, though Matrons and Patrons are allowed to retire or can be recalled by a vote of no confidence from within their house, should a challenger arise. It is not uncommon that the vote of no confidence is skipped in favor of a duel, though this is no longer a legal practice. Allegedly, duels are to first blood, not to the death, however death by duel defeat holds a statistically significant mortality rate for the position of Matron or Patron.

The blood of the dragon, house Dreux is the ruling house of Arcanus. It is believed that the first matriarch entered a Pact with the great mercurial dragon that saved the wood elf peoples on the Night of Silvered Tears and from then on was blessed with powers exclusive to house Dreux. Members of this house sport silver scales that manifest along their limbs and brow. Prominent figures of the house include the recently deceased High Matriarch Sonilyth, consort of Emperor Aurelius Valus; High Matriarch Dahlia Dreux, eldest of the family; and Princess Vyria Druex, heir apparent to the throne of the Aurelian Empire.

House Deveraux is the intelligence service of Arcanus in both domestic and foreign affairs, tasked mainly with the coverta collection and analysis of intelligence in support of Arcanus' nation security. Formed during the Golden War before the Night of Silvered Tears, the house's power expanded greatly during the Western War, when they saw a greatly increased need for their services. Intelligence, counter-intelligence, and subterfuge are their specialties, and they deliver. It is said that you could not throw a stone in Leholonh during the Western War without hitting a Deveraux informant. Towards the end of the Western War, however, some of the house's actions attracted controversy, such as their alleged complicity in acts of enhanced interrogation techniques, extraordinary rendition, and a supposed connection to the entity known only as the Web. Until recently, allegations of the third category were dropped after the Silver Blades, a paladin order who worshipped the great mercurial dragon, began an investigation into house Deveraux, only for a great portion of the order to vanish overnight, with its remnants merging with house Bouclier.

Following the investigation and intervention of the Flamebringers, house Deveraux was indeed revealed to be filled with agents of the Web, and has since been all but disolved by order of High Matriarch Dahlia. Only a select faithful, proven to be free of the influence of the Web, have been allowed to retain their status in Arcanite courts. High profile individuals in this house include Olivier Deveraux, former Patron of the house; Draxis Deveraux, zealot of the Web; Hugo Deveraux, current Patron of the new Deveraux line, so named by High Matriach Dahlia.

Dedicated to the protection of house Dreux, house Bouclier is said to have been born the same night as house Dreux by a progenitor who witnessed the splendor of the Pact and swore fealty on the spot. Since then, it has been the shield that guards the realm from external and internal threats. For most of its history, house Bouclier has been a notably noble house, keeping the interest of the common folk at front of mind while serving as the royal guard, military police, and military reserve. Playing an integral role in the ousting of house Deveraux, Bouclier guards are sworn to preserve the peace of Arcanus and will die to protect its people. The house is headed by Olette Bouclier and recently mourned the loss of its heir apparent, Lady Valeria Bouclier.

The sword that guards the lands of the drow, house Epee is the royal land, sea, and airborn soldiers employed by the state. Epee leads offensives into the Gloamwood to keep its denizens in check, and is thus made up for the most part of rangers and frontiersmen in addition to soldiers masterfully trained in all forms of combat. They are charged with monitoring the outer edges of the Gloamwood for Illemnian activity, patrolling the Long Road through the Gloamwood, and subduing any uprising of Remnants that rear their head from the underbrush. The house is headed by Matron Miel Epee, though until recently troop movements have fallen under the command of Dahlia Dreux until her ascention to High Matriarch.

Rising to fame as one of the first wood elf houses to extend the olive branch to the Aurelian Empire, house Laureate persisted through the Turn and became a house of diplomats who were lauded for their uncanny ability to broker peace and trade deals between nations. They were further instrumental in orchestrating the ceasefire between Illemnor and Arcanus in the Western War; of course with encouragement from imperial ambassadors from the Aurelian Empire. Member of house Laureate are stationed in foreign capitals across the continent as far as Ignix, but have not yet venture into the Southern Wilds. These diplomats also facilitate trade deals between nations, and so are often regarded as officials in terms of international trade as well, with the added effort of custom and tarafe work added to the house's portfolio. The house is currently headed by Philippe Etienne-Laureate.

There was a sixth house that it has been lost to time. Its identity was so intertwined with an item of Damnation Memori, it was wiped from Arcanite courts and lost in the public record. But those who can r̠̤̬̭̻͕e̤̫̻͕͍͔m͈̙̗͖̱͎e̝̼͓m͞bę̞̫r̮̞ will never forget house Voylemeur.

The Rose Protectorate

North of the Sylvawood is a region known to the local druids since the beginning as the Wystwood that is the youngest additoin to the Aurelian Empire. It was only added ot the Aurelian Empire when it was annexed in the later days of the Golden War, and it is widely credited with being the reason Aurelia was able to hold its ground against the Fulminarian counteroffensive following their discovery of magic. This is because, as is widely known, the Scribes of the Six were based out of their tower in Zhestia, along the northern shore. Zhestia was formed by dissenters the Omniscient Dawn given amnesty and permission to continue practice in the Rose Protectorate, provided they ally with the Aurelian Empire and maintain governance over the Rose Protectorate. Though there was an innitial conflict of unification between the Blue Mages and the various native circles who live within what would become the Rose Protectorate, it was too brief to elicite mention in the Zhestian historical record and soon the various peoples settled into a form of republic. How ever, tied up in bureaucratic red tape, rumors began circulating early on (and continued to persist until the deep state's exposure) that the state was run by a magocracy within the state with plans to one day declare its independence from imperial control; these rumorsr went unfounded for a time, but found purchase with the fall of Zhestia, giving weight ot their utterance.

For decades, at the end of the War and through the Peace, by the magics of the Blue Mages and coaxing of the druid circles, the Garden was maintained at a steady temperate climate which allowed agriculture to prosper. The beautiful landscape was home to acres upon acres of wysteria trees that covered the countryside, punctuated by vineyards that boasted the finest wineries the contenent has seen. The state was held as the pinnacle of magical prowess within the Aurelian Empire, and students of the arcane flocked to its doors to undertake the Trials of the Six in hopes of becoming one of the Scribes, and in the final days of the War and well into the Peace the Rose Protectorate flourished.

However, following intervention from the Flamebringers, the Scribes were exposed as dictators who were attempting to orchestrate the early arrival of the Next World, following their studies of the Six Sequential Prophecies, and the delicate illusion of the idyllic paradise was shattered. While confronting Archmage Reharis, Queen Mab of the fae Winter Court interceded in the conflict on the behalf of the Flamebringers. In an inadvertant consequence of their actions, Queen Mab was able to stake a claim on the Mortal Sphere by exploiting the request of the Flamebringers, destroying the extradimensional home of the Scribes and freezing over the Wystwood to create the icy kingdom known as the Winter Wood.

Save but a small city called Solheim, the Sun of Winter, Queen Mab now reigns supreme in the new land of Astronomea.

The Wasting Swamps

To the south of the Fertile Aurelian Steppes is a region few explore. Once a rich fertile crescent, the land has been twisted into noxious swamps which are home to any number of poisonous denizens. The entire peninsula is the delta of the Alphadon River which flows down from the Red Mountains and fills Lake Portico before continuing south, drawing the line between empires. Over time, the bloodshed of battle and the belching machines of war poisoned the waters of the river and the detritus of the Golden War clogged the once verdant lands. Now, imperial influence has receded from the land and a number of black dragons have dug in to claim the swamps and make them their home.

May the sun never set on the Aurelian Empire.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Golden Empire
Controlled Territories


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