The Monarch

The Monarch is scene by many as chief among the gods for it embodies traits and virtues Mortals most like to see in themselves. They take the domain of light, justice, devotion, and of the skies. They are often said to bless their followers with clearsighted wisdom that holds a lucidity so pure, it has often been likened to foresight. When the world was new, the Monarch brought law and justice to the land through that of the Oathbringers, three majestic dragons of gold, mercurial, and green hue; Eumoras, Alessandra, and Levistus. This gift allowed Mortals to create great structure and industry, empire and faculty, but in turn bound them to the law of not only the Monarch, but of those Mortal kind created, and those Mortals who would seak to twist or subvert the law of their land. For this is the boon of Levistus; where Eumoras brings justice, Alessandra seaks balance and clarity, Levistus embodies and encourages the devious nature of Mortals, persuading them to squirm through and around their laws or weaponize what would be otherwise used to protect. He holds the double-edged sword of law to the neck of Mortal kind.

While the Aurelian Empire boasts the most temples to the Monarch and greatest apportioned tithe in Their honor from the capital city of Helorix, named even for the splendor of the sun in which dwells the Monarch, truly the most opulent temples to the Monarch belong to Kyrr; for the aarakocra that call the Ascended City home claim to be closest to the glory of the Monarch. At the Battle of Concord Dawn, the Monarch lifted Kyrrix from where it was once nestled in the great planes of the Fulminarian Empire, saving it from its wroth. The radiant flame that consumed the land below to cleanse the world of an unknown terror would have surely swept the city away as it had many others without Their intervention.

After They fulfilled Their role in the Work, bringing law to Mortals, the Monarch then moved to create a place for them to spend the Rest. Sol, the Harmonic Sphere of the Monarch, is where unclaimed Mortal souls take their respite at the end of each their journey. They recline among the skies, painting the horizon with their cherished memories and watering the earth with tears for times long passed, and are at peace awaiting the Next World.


The Monarch holds a highly standardized religion throughout Andali, regardless of which side of the Empiric Line you fall on. Churches and temples to the Monarch dot the countryside and mark each of the larger cities with a parthenon to Their glory. A place of worship for the Monarch can always be found beneath a great golden disk, sometimes held by an angelic depiction of Winged Victory.

The heart of Monarchan teachings lies with the Golden Gauntlet, an order of paladins and clerics that center themselves in Helorix. Though you can become a cleric of the Monarch anywhere, the devoted to Their teachings often journey to Helorix to study amongst the greatest philosophers of the religion. The truly devoted make a pilgrimage to Kyrr, the great Ascended City, which travels floating above the contenent, where they, among the Prophets of Kyrr, take sacred oathes to wield the Monarch's holy light.

Light of the Monarch guide you

Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Saccarre, Sentinel of Light or Fire
Subsidiary Organizations


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