A Brief History of All Andali

Quickly becoming an Exhaustive History of All Andali, this is a timeline of relevant historic events across all game timelines.

The Precursor Era

... 1522 AP

When all was right with the world, and it's bones were strong and its people hearty. Little is known about the forgotten realms of this era, but it is known that the people who lived during this era understood advanced artificing and were able to use their magic to create the structures that stilll remain intact in some places hidden beneath the earth

  • 1522 PE

    The Fracture

    It is unsure what exactly happened in the Fracture, but whatever it was ended the Precursor Era and left nothing but desolation in it's wake. It is known that following the Fracture, the gods had to rebuild the world as dictated in the Terragenesis.

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Aureliadic Unification

2020 AP 2231 AP

Also known as the Golden Age of Aurelius or simply the Golden Age, this time was filled by the conquest of Valus Aurelius on his path to the imperial throne.

  • 2040 AU

    2230 AU

    The Rise of the Aurelian Empire

    The Rise of the Aurelian Empire comes when Aurelius Valus, a king of a small kingdom, unites by conquest the surrounding kingdoms, slowly growing to control the entire western hemisphere of the continent, only meeting resistance when the Fulminarian empire rises to prominence.

  • 2222 AU

    2832 AU

    Dominance of the Rising Sun

    Incandus strikes a deal with Archduke of Hell Aspen Carthelian, becoming Incandus Carthelian, patriar of House Carthelian and most the most powerful evocation wizards to walk the Mortal Plane. House Carthelian became the trusted agents of the Aurelian Empire in the twilight of the Aureliadic Unification and Great War to come. The house fell due to the actions of the Pathfinders and has since drifted into obscurity.

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  • 2231 AU

    The Call is Heard
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Call is heard for the first time. A young human named Elaria Valoric has her ear tipped to it by the Muse, and is the first to use magic on Andali.

The Great War

2231 AP 2992 AP

This era begins with the Stand of Storms and ends with the signing of the Accords. This time was the crucible in which the current nations and empires were forged, giving rise to many heroes whose name live on in legend and song, and setting the stage for an age of Peace to follow.

  • 2231 GW

    The Call is Heard
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Call is heard for the first time. A young human named Elaria Valoric has her ear tipped to it by the Muse, and is the first to use magic on Andali.

  • 2233 GW

    The Battle of Radiant Dawn
    Military action

    Fighting in the Fields of Helena, Praxis, a soldier in the Aurelian Empire, called out for aid, and the Monarch answered, sending down a fiery sword to him and blessing him with transcendent power, turning the tide of both the battle.

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  • 2233 GW

    The Stand of Storms
    Military action

    As the Aurelian war machine pressed ever onward, Elaria Valoric rallies a group of tribes together to stand against the oppressive forces. The night before battle, Elaria was visited in a dream by an avatar of the Muse, which whispered in her ear the means by which she could summon the heartbeat of the world around her to commune with the gods. She used this power to beseech the Tribunal for aid in balancing the scales of battle, and in return she had bestowed upon her the Stormdancer, a sword with the power to control the very air around her.

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  • 2235 GW

    Uniting of Fulminaria

    Under the banner of Elaria the Stormdancer, the eastern nations merge to create a united front against the spread of Aurelia. After the Stand of Storms, the Aurelian Empire would meet a wall of lightning that would not be broken for the remaining centuries of the war.

  • 2276 GW

    Creation of the Omniscient Dawn

    Elaria Valoric founds the Omniscient Dawn, an organization dedicated to unravelling the mysteries of the Call, exploring the histories of the Precursor world, and preserving the stability of the current state of Andali.

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  • 2309 GW

    Death of Elaria Valoric
    Life, Death

    Elaria Valoric dies a peaceful death of natural causes at the old age of 104, leaving a legacy of scholarship, adventure, and mystery. Her death leaves the Omniscient Dawn without a leader for a time. Leadership of Fulminaria had long since passed to another after Elaria left her position as its emperor to focus her efforts on the Omniscient Dawn.

  • 2424 GW

    Foundation of the Pathfinders

    Though details are shrouded in myth, from what the Lords Flamebringer have gleaned from Percival, it is estimated that the Pathfinders were founded in this year.

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  • 2425 GW

    2862 GW

    16 /5

    The Silent War
    Military: War

    The Silent War between the Pathfinders and the Omniscent begins, running in clandestine parallel to the Great War. While the Pathfinders attempted to slay the gods, the Omniscient Dawn strove to defend them. Culminating with the Night of Silver Tears its subsequent events; the Planeswalkers' Folly, Praxis' attempt to kill the Monarch at the Battle of Blacksands, and the Imprisonment of the Dark, both organizations faded into obscurity after this day, though remnants of the Order can be found in a defector splinter organization, the Scribes of the Six, and the few remaining Pathfinders still claim that their quest to dethrone divinity was ordained by the Stranger.

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  • 2517 GW

    Discovery of the Dead Iron Gods
    Discovery, Scientific

    Emrys discovers the Dead Iron Gods in a Precursor ruin deep within the Chyronvein mountains.

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  • 2597 GW

    Birth of the Ironsoul
    Discovery, Scientific

    Emrys creates the first Ironsoul, basing his designs on that of the Dead Iron Gods

  • 2598 GW

    Razing of Dunbosa
    Disaster / Destruction

    The monument to dwarven ingenuity, Dunbosa, Star of the North, the Great Crossroads, is razed to the ground by Eldfjell, the Great Wyrm.

  • 2602 GW

    Flight of the Gnomes
    Population Migration / Travel

    The gnomish tribes of the Chyronvein Mountains are cast out for their worship of the Dead Iron Gods. Taking the Ironborn with them, they sought refuge in the north, joining the dwarves in the cave system that would become Dur Balduhr.

  • 2845 GW

    Praxis founds the Golden Gauntlet

    Praxis founds the Golden Gauntlet, an elite force of fighting paladins which quickly becomes the main fighting force of the Aurelian army, naming himself the first High Archeon.

  • 2851 GW

    The Creation of the Tenebric Vanguard

    Loosely in response to the founding of the Golden Gauntlet, a chapter of loose cannons broke away from the Fulminarian Empire under a new banner. Lead by a wood elf named Idris Epoch, the group started calling themselves the Tenebric Vanguard.

  • 2861 GW

    16 /5
    3032 GW

    2 /9

    The Scribes of the Six
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Scribes of the Six are founded from a group of defectors from the Order of Omniscient Dawn, acting as the brains to the Aurelian Empires brawn. They spent the years predicting what would come next in the wars, but as the peace was signed and time progressed, they began to explore too deep into the possibilities, becoming obsessed with the "Final War." This lead to a great change as prophecized by the Six Sequential Prophecies, which the Scribes believed would be a second Fracture.

  • 2861 GW

    16 /5 24:00
    2862 GW

    16 /5 06:00

    The Year of Tears
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Forbidden Order loses control of the Darkness, leading to the desecration of much of the southern Gloamwood. The rampage was only stopped when the Wanderer stepped in to lock the Darkness away in the citadel of the Forbidden Order.

  • 2862 GW

    16 /5

    The Night of Tears
    Disaster / Destruction

    A day that became a cornerstone of history.

  • 2862 GW

    16 /5 12:00

    The Planeswalkers' Folly
    Disaster / Destruction

    An unknown event, that seemingly played an enormous role in the devastation of the Pathfinders.

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  • 2862 GW

    16 /5 15:00

    The Battle of Black Sands
    Military: Battle

    The Concord Alliance, a united front of Aurelian and Fulminarian forces lead by Leonidas Crane and Nicodemus Anduriel, marched against the Forbidden Order where Kyrr once stood. During the battle, Praxis took that opportunity to attack the Monarch, causing it to lift Kyrr to the sky and demolish the forests that once stood below, creating the Cadivus Desert.   This also routed the forces of the Forbidden Order, allowing agents of the Alliance, Reharis at their lead, to take the Citadel and begin to invoke Damnatio Memori.   After the battle, the Alliance dissolved. Though the war continued for nearly thirty years after, the soldiers grew weary fighting a war that long predated them against allies they had once fought alongside. When the Peace was drawn, Leonidas and Nicodemus were leaders in the peace talks and among the first to sign the Accords.

  • 2862 GW

    16 /5 24:00

    The Imprisonment
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Wanderer locks away the Dark at the Sentinel, headquarters of the Order of Omniscient Dawn later known as the Forbidden Citadel.

  • 2862 GW

    17 /5

    Damnatio Memori
    Military action

    The budding Scribes of the Six are tasked with the casting out and destroying of all remaining studies of the Order of Omniscient Dawn, which would become the Forbidden Order, both removing any trace of their research from the face of Andali and assisting agents of the Wanderer in Banishing the remaining members not Afflicted by its original assault.

  • 2868 GW

    2991 GW

    The Western War
    Political event

    Tensions in the Far West reached a boiling point when the leader of the northern sun elves was murdered at the hands of the southern dark elves, leading to a bloody civil war within the empire. Bloodshed grew to such a point that Emperor Valus ordered the withdrawal of all imperial troops from the region to allow the two governments to sort out their differences without shedding imperial blood. This resulted in a bloody civil war which resulted in the Republic of Illemnor and Theocracy of Arctiax.

  • 2991 GW

    16 /5
    2993 GW

    The Signing of the Accords
    Political event

    In the Halls of Amphiarus in Helorus, capital city of the Aurelian Empire, the first Peace Accords are signed by the all lands controlled by the Aurelian and Fulminarian empires, and both the Summer and Winter Court of the Feywild.

The Quiet War

2863 AP 2990 AP

Following the events of the Night of Tears the, two nations began to withdraw from each others' lands and settle into a game of spies and subterfuge rather than direct, open war. The Great War in its true nature has ceased, but the two nations have a long road marred by tension spikes, double-agents, and blades in the dark.

  • 2868 QE

    2991 QE

    The Western War
    Political event

    Tensions in the Far West reached a boiling point when the leader of the northern sun elves was murdered at the hands of the southern dark elves, leading to a bloody civil war within the empire. Bloodshed grew to such a point that Emperor Valus ordered the withdrawal of all imperial troops from the region to allow the two governments to sort out their differences without shedding imperial blood. This resulted in a bloody civil war which resulted in the Republic of Illemnor and Theocracy of Arctiax.

The Peace

2993 AP and beyond

This is the current era, a time of peace that was hard fought for by tired warriors, made weary by centuries of conflict. However, there are those who look back in fondness at the Golden War, and hope that the opportunity to gain honor and glory by proving oneself in battle rises again.

  • 3031 AP

    15 /5

    The Tenth Quadrennial Peace Accords Conference
    Diplomatic action

    The tenth quadrennial meeting of the Signatures of the Accords to discuss and modify terms.

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  • 3031 AP

    16 /5

    Assassination of Valus Aurelius
    Life, Death

    Emperor Valus Aurelius, Conquerer of the West and founder of the Aurelian Empire is assassinated at the Tenth Peace Accords by the Vagabond, launching a continent-wide search for the rogue leader of the Tenebric Vanguard.

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  • 3032 AP

    18 /1

    Flight of the Vagabond
    Population Migration / Travel

    After accompanying the group that would become the Flamebringers nearly back to calmer waters, the Vagabond, set the Flamebringers on the path to holding his employers accountable for the assassination of Valus Aurelius. He then revealed himself to be Levistus, an ancient green dragon who had taken Mortal form, and retired to Myrr.

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  • 3032 AP

    24 /2

    Fall of the Tower
    Disaster / Destruction

    To many, the Tower was home. To many, the Tower is a tomb. The Scribes of the Six planned their machinations carefully, but the Queen of Ice and Darkness is cunning. Watching. Pressing the limits of the Feywild into their places. Building a palace to rival their Tower just on the other side of the Veil, waiting for the right moment when the right people were undertaking the Trials to push to make her move. She never broke the Accords, she simply built her tower. She couldn’t help that centuries of wear on the Veil from the Infinite Corridors of the Temerant had finally broken right as she finished development on her newest throne room.

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  • 3032 AP

    11 /3

    The Purge of Arcanus

    When the Flamebringers killed the False Arctiax, Lord Pharos called its spirit from the dead to expose the corrupt House Deveraux. House Bouclier cast them out of the city, but not before they assassinated High Matron Sonilyth Dreux, making way for her daughter Dahlia to ascend to the position.

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  • 3032 AP

    5 /6

    Liberation of the Hollow Mountain

    The Flamebringers confronted Archduke Hesse after uncovering his plot to subvert the Soul Collective, transforming it into the Soul Compendium and binding everyone to his will, fueling his lichdom. After it was shattered, Hesse was destroyed and the people of the Red Mountains and beyond were free of an infernal pact which would have seen their souls harvested by the Compendium at the point of their death.

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