The Convergence

A timeline chronicling the excapades of the Omens across Andali.

  • 1522 AP

    The Fracture

    It is unsure what exactly happened in the Fracture, but whatever it was ended the Precursor Era and left nothing but desolation in it's wake. It is known that following the Fracture, the gods had to rebuild the world as dictated in the Terragenesis.

  • 2222 AP

    2832 AP

    Dominance of the Rising Sun

    Incandus strikes a deal with Archduke of Hell Aspen Carthelian, becoming Incandus Carthelian, patriar of House Carthelian and most the most powerful evocation wizards to walk the Mortal Plane. House Carthelian became the trusted agents of the Aurelian Empire in the twilight of the Aureliadic Unification and Great War to come. The house fell due to the actions of the Pathfinders and has since drifted into obscurity.

    Additional timelines
  • 2425 AP

    2862 AP

    16 /5

    The Silent War
    Military: War

    The Silent War between the Pathfinders and the Omniscent begins, running in clandestine parallel to the Great War. While the Pathfinders attempted to slay the gods, the Omniscient Dawn strove to defend them. Culminating with the Night of Silver Tears its subsequent events; the Planeswalkers' Folly, Praxis' attempt to kill the Monarch at the Battle of Blacksands, and the Imprisonment of the Dark, both organizations faded into obscurity after this day, though remnants of the Order can be found in a defector splinter organization, the Scribes of the Six, and the few remaining Pathfinders still claim that their quest to dethrone divinity was ordained by the Stranger.

  • 2862 AP

    16 /5 12:00

    The Planeswalkers' Folly
    Disaster / Destruction

    An unknown event, that seemingly played an enormous role in the devastation of the Pathfinders.

  • 3031 AP

    15 /5

    The Tenth Quadrennial Peace Accords Conference
    Diplomatic action

    The tenth quadrennial meeting of the Signatures of the Accords to discuss and modify terms.

  • 3031 AP

    16 /5

    Assassination of Valus Aurelius
    Life, Death

    Emperor Valus Aurelius, Conquerer of the West and founder of the Aurelian Empire is assassinated at the Tenth Peace Accords by the Vagabond, launching a continent-wide search for the rogue leader of the Tenebric Vanguard.