Power Crystals
These crystals are used to power certain magical devices.
There are a few standardized designs, the standard Tolorian Manufacturing crystal being among the first mass-produced crystals and notoriously suffer from reliability problems. Many knock-offs are made based on the Tolorian Manufacturing crystal design and their spotty quality control may be a large part of what has given the Tolorian Manufacturing crystals such a bad reputation.
Myrillium crystals are some of the hardest to work with, and are charged only by magical means, but are found only in the Anarium mines; their rarity and suitability for their purposes has driven their prices up and, before the The Cannibals of Anarium situation Anarium had become a notable settlement despite its remoteness and lack of creature comforts.
The power for the crystal can come from either mechanical or magical sources.
Different devices can require one standard or another, with some very obscure power crystals needed to power things that the creators would not like in the hands of the masses.
Access & Availability
Depends on the crystal configuration. Malema Manufacturing crystals (or their knockoffs) are relatively easy to find in any area that relies upon them for use of powered items while crystals made from Myrillium are difficult to find and manufacture.
First known crystals were created by the Tolorians, though some scholars believe there is evidence that the Tian, instead, were the creators of the original crystal.