Anderian Marks

The Anderian Mark is the standard currency across the continent. This however has not stopped individual states and kingdoms from creating their own currency and perhaps even attempting to force it onto populations around them. One such example is the The Northembrian Empire . Anderian marks were created in an agreement in 992 AAE when Kings and leaders from across the continent recognized the problems individual currencies created and held council and agreed upon what would be known as the, "Anderian Monetary Accord."


Beginning with the Anderian Monetary Accord, the Anderian mark began to be made en mass in key Anderian cities agreed upon. The main factory and location of the bank is in Prague , and also includes secondary locations in Brackenreid, Basinview and Varez.


The Prague Mark factory is the mass producer of Anderian marks made from precious metals in conformity to their value as indicated by the accord. The factory produces marks under the direction of the bank master who holds counsel with the Anderian leaders at any of the parties' discretion.

Components and tools

  1. Deepstone Ore
  2. Blackstone Ore
  3. Bleuthil Ore
  4. Gold Ore
  5. Silver Ore
  6. Bronze Ore
  7. Iron Ore


  • Kingdom of Moravia 
  • Kingdom of Ionia 
  • Kingdom of Sythia (formerly)
  • United Provinces 
  • [ 
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