Anderian Continental Bank

The Anderian Continental Bank is the international bank used by most Anderian kingdoms and states, with exceptions such as the Nomen Confederacy, Kingdom of Syclas, and the White Kingdom. The bank is a relatively new development that was created upon agreement in the "Anderium monetary accord." Headquartered in Prague, the organization also has secondary branches in Brackenreid, Basinview, and Varez.


The main organization of the bank is ultimately run by The Continental Bank Board, which pays homage to the monarchs and rulers of countries within the monetary accord. Chairman Isaiah Wilcott is the highest deigned magistrate within the bank's heirarchy and holds command over all bank activities internationally. He is still required to follow the board's commandants and decrees. The chairman than decentralizes each individual bank location (3 locations) to skilled bank executives who run the day to day of their local operation within their cities and usually it spills over to countries.

Public Agenda

Although the mandate of the bank is to follow their motto "To serve and saeguard Anderium's economy," they often fall into corruption and one can assume their goal is to bring profit into the bank and therein themselves. Any class of citizen is by Monetary Accord allowed to use the bank's services, so long as they can afford it. The banks have authority on behalf of the kingdoms to retrieve anything they are owed by force or otherwise, should someone be unable to afford interest rates or simply owe debts.


With the creation of the Anderian Monetary Accord, the importance of a stabilized economy the Anderian Marks are the economic objects passed with value depending on the metal or stone in which it was made. The bank also considers other things with economic value such as land, housing or buildings, horses, cattle, carriages, tools, food, and much more. These things are often taken from those who can't pay their debts when no marks can first be found.

"To serve and safekeep Anderium's economy."

Founding Date
992 AAE
Financial, Bank
Alternative Names
Continental Bank
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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