The Heartless Demise Panic

The Heartless Demise is the chilling name given to a disease which emerged as a pandemic in the year 940 AAE. It got it's name from how ruthless it spread, as it did not matter the wealth of the afflicted. Lords, ladies, priests, and even kings would be forced to try to ward off the largely fatal plague with no known cures or remedies.   The panic began in the late september of 940, when the Vezerian Empire held their grasp on most of Anderium. As the news reached the Emperor and upper echelons of the state, quarantines began to be mandated. Citizens were ordered not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary and even guardsmen were limited in their mandates. Bandits and outlanders however often operated in greater activity with the reduced protection and the countryside and more rural folk were ravaged in many places. A great panic spread throughout the land like had not been seen throughout the continent before.


Plague began to overtake the populaces in the south and spread north through the passing of merchants, caravans, and armies. The disease would scare many into staying with their homes. Cities became largely empty with only a few souls doing necessary chores. The economy of all provinces became stagnant and even in deficit at times. The plague spread not only among the peasantry and lower class citizens but to the highest levels of government.

Historical Basis

The disease still is seen today without a cure as many unimmune populations are susceptible. It simply doesn't kill in the great quantities as it did during the initial panic.


Most of the continent remembers the original panic through fearsome stories passed through generations. Many however have forgotten as history is not well remembered except among stories through familial lines.
Date of First Recording
September 940 AAE
Date of Setting
Continent of Anderium
Related Locations


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