
Possibly the most ancient of all Anderian humanoid species, the Orcs have been in Anderium since as long as the chronicles tell. Orc society is somewhat complex and misunderstood. Orcs have long held a sort of rivalry with the Elf , Dwarf , and especially the Human for control of territory, resources, and domination in general. The species tends to have the most noble and honorable individuals while also in contrast having the most evil and twisted of individuals.

Basic Information


Orcs share the same technical features as Human though they vary more dramatically. Orcs range from being larger then a man to much smaller and crooked more like a goblin depending on their ethnic background within the species.

Biological Traits

Although orcish culture gravitate towards militaristic and warlike attitude, this is largely a stereotype that even the orcs themselves are active participants in. Orcs are tough and strong physically, even the small ones. They are not however dumb or stupid as they are percieved to be. Orcs care for their families, home, and communities; This does however vary slightly across the different ethnicites which is an important abstraction.

Genetics and Reproduction

Both male and female orc populations exist and they breed through means of sexual intimacy between a male and female as with other humanoid species. This can include interbreeding between species as well which results in Half-orc because the orc gene is very strong and tends to overwrite the other.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Those that dwell in orcish communities much abide by a fairly strict and complex social structure. Many however voluntarily leave their kin to go and live among more diverse society. Orc-kin share a traditional nuclear familial structure as most other species do.

Men are trained, educated, and taught to be smart, powerful, and capable individuals in an effort to be better prepared to protect and provide for their mate and children. The ultimate purpose of this education is to ensure the survivability of the orc race and their family name which is extremely significant in orc culture. Orcish women are considered precious in society. They are taught to be loving and caring to their spouse, children, and even extended family. This is not to say however that they are weak by any means. Females are trained to fight just as men are and are powerful and capable individuals themselves with simply a different role to play. They will not hesitate to defend their family and home alongside their man should it be necessary.
The male infants of society are cared for by their families until around the age of 8 when the males are sent to what is known as the agoge where they are trained masculine skills until age 14. At this age they are considered to have gradudated the agoge process and have learned the basic skills they will need for life. This is not however the expected end of their training; Orcish fathers are at this age meant to take their sons under their wing and although they do not yet have the responsibility the father does, they are expected to continue working on their skills. Females stay with their mother and father until they are ready to marry. During this time the mother is expected to teach their daughters valuable life skills in their role while the fathers also commonly train their daughters in combat. Despite the high expectations for the children, orcish society is very nurturing to their own in the right moments.
Orcish youth

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Although hard to capture as they are the strongest of the humanoid species, orcs are a favourite for slave labour for this very reason. Slave traders will often target orcish societies in hopes to make off with at least a few individuals which are worth more. They say one orcish male is worth 5 human males as a slave worker or warrior.

Facial characteristics

Famous for their strength, it seems that their drawback is possibly their ugly and sometimes— downright ugly appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs are one of the most ancient species on the earth. The many ethnicities are spread all over Anderium, the Islands and Isles, and even the home of the Northembrians. Although they inhabit all manners of biomes, they like living in the mountains more then the others if they have the option.

Average Intelligence

Orcs are presumed to be quite dumb and only good for fighting and manual labour, but this is not at all the case. Orcs simply tend to be poor communicators, even preferring not to speak in many cases. Although physical endurance and strength is where they excell, there are many orcish intellectuals within human and even elven kingdoms.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Though male and females hold equal status, they have an important seperation in roles. Men are to be masculine, protective, and productive. Women are to be nurturing, loving, and supportive.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship can begin for young orcs at age 14 at the own discretion of the young orc, or sometimes depending on the community/family the father. Courtship is seen as a mate-finding process for young orcs. When young, orcs tend to mature somewhat quicker even in this aspect as a result of their education rites.

Relationship Ideals

Orcs look for the standard expectation in a mate. Someone they find attractive physically and spiritually; And most important, someone they can get along with for their entire life. Divorce is not an option in orcish society and you are a mate for life. It is also looked down upon if you have a poor relationship with your spouse.

Average Technological Level

Societies tend to be somewhat less technologically advanced then their human, dwarvish, and elvish counterparts more for reasons of toughness then anything. If this is even the case for the community in particular however, it is not much. Orcs are quite strong blacksmiths and fashion well made weapons and equipment.

Common Taboos

Divorce and infidelity are among the greatest taboos in society, though this is not to say they don't happen. Most other 'wrong' things however are only wrong if you are caught in the act.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

More commonly orcs have a generally negative opinion of other species and see everyone else as invaders or outsiders. As social structure and custom is crucial and important in their eyes, they look down upon the other cultures as less noble or honorable in some type of way. This is not however the case for all of the species and different individuals have different views based on their experiences.
Large Orc
Scientific Name
Orcus orcus
200 years
Average Height
4'5'' - 6'7''
Average Weight
70 - 200lbs
Average Physique
The physique of orcs vary drastically on their ethnicity, however they do share some similiar qualities. Although some orcs are quite small and even bow legged, they are all hardy and tenacious folk.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities