Irven Fjellkanon Character in Anderon | World Anvil
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Irven Fjellkanon

Irvin, born under the name Percy as the bastard son of the late Emperor and an unknown woman, has always been a bit of a problem child. When he was a little baby his father didn't want people to know of his bastard child and went to the far east of the Melchorian Empire, where he came across a small village near the Frigid Expanse. Sneakily he observed the village and one young woman caught his eye in particular: a red haired woman with hazelnut brown eyes, and a lovely voice. She seemed very sweet, and the Emperor decided she would be an excellent mother for Percy. So he knocked on the door, left Percy on the doorsteps and fled the scene quickly so nobody would know the real father was. But when the red haired woman opened the door she caught a glimpse of the Emperor. Although she didn't recognize him, she recognised his fancy robes and the crest of the Empire on his clothes. She figured, whoever the man was, he must have been of high importance.   Percy grew up with the red haired woman, called Martha, who named him Irvin. Martha's husband, Gustaf Fjellkanon, wasn't too fond of this new addition to the family, since they already had 2 sons: Cain and Sven, who both were a bit older than Irven. After some time Gustaf started to train all 3 boys, so they could become real warriors and fight for the army. The oldest one, Sven, was by far the strongest, and liked to humiliate little Irven. This made Irven hate Sven very hard, and Irven tried to steal stuff from Sven to teach him a lesson. Gustaf found out about this matter and punished Irven for being a filthy little thief. I'll spare you the details, but it was a pretty rough youth for Irven. The only person he could really rely on was Cain, who was like the older brother that Sven never would be. Both Sven and Cain made it into the army, whilst Irven didn't. One day Cain came home and gave Irven a beautiful bracer that was inlaid with purple runes. This was by far the happiest that Irven had ever been in his entire life. I know right, that's pretty sad.   A few months later when Irven was about 18 years old, Sven suddenly came home 2 months early from his army service. Gustaf asked him what was wrong, and Sven said he had been caught dealing stolen goods and got kicked out of the army. "Pfff, you're such a dumbass Sven", Irven exlaimed, to which Sven responded "Shut up you stupid little forced adoption". Irven asked what he meant and Cain sighed "Yeah Irven it's true you are adopted, but we thought you would figure it out by yourself, since we all are red haired and you are blonde". Martha told Irven everything that she knew, and Irven decided that he didn't want to stay and that he would go and search for his real father and mother. But before he left he 'borrowed' one of Sven's items, a finely crafted battleaxe from the army.   Irvin made his way the capital of the Empire, travelling from inn to inn. One day he woke up with a letter on his nighttable. The letter read: "Come to Makai if you want to know more about your parents, the capital has no answers for you. The adventure lies ahead and only through adventure you will find what you've been looking for". And so he changed his course, managing to barter a trip on a merchant ship near the Kraghorn mountains to get to the island - finally closer to the answers he so desperately seeks.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Can only read and write Dwarvish

Personality Characteristics


Finding his real parents
Current Location
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Circumstances of Birth
Born as a bastard son of the late Emperor
Long, blond

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