Kairon Blackfeather Character in Anderon | World Anvil
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Kairon Blackfeather

Raised as an only child in the city ofHaros to a loving father and mother, Kairon was brought into the cult of Asmodeus as a young adult (around the age of 14) by his father, the cult leader. When witnessing his first ritual sacrifice of an innocent person at the age of 16, he rebelled against the cult and tried to flee with the sacrifice, stabbing his father in the chest in the process. He escaped alone, and started to wander and roam the wilds. Getting by going from town to town, working where he could, he roamed for quite a while.    Angry and alone, he eventually met a man named Therin arount the age of 20 who trained him over the course of a few months, teaching him how to channel his rage into something useful. During this training, he discovered that he was quite talented at killing things. In order to control his rage, he crafted a carefully thought out code to follow so that he would never become anything like the cult he left. Now, at the age of 23, having gotten as far away from Haros as he could, he is thinking about the next steps to take.

Holy Books & Codes

  • I do not lie.
  • I do not murder the innocent.
  • I do not betray others.
  • I honor all oaths.
  • I honor those who honor me.
  • I seek to defend and protect life.
  • I do not needlessly endanger lives, even my own. It is my duty to live until my lord needs me.
  • I use my strength only in service of others, never to rule them.
  • The end does not justify the means. There is always another way. Protecting 10 innocents is not worth killing one.
  • Finally, I uphold these vows not because I must, but because I choose. Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than a mountain.

Personality Characteristics


  • He does not wish to harm those who are innocent.
  • He dreams of one day owning and sailing a boat on the beautiful oceans he has come across during his travels, being truly free of worry for a time at least.
  • He wishes to build a safe haven for people in need, perhaps trying to compensate for the evil he believes his family has done/is doing.
Divine Classification

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